Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1672

Chapter 1672

Chapter 1672

After the last trace of their energy was sucked dry, the four Ultimate Class elders were extremely frail.

They sat cross-legged with some difficulty and severed their own arteries, ending their lives on the spot.

Even after their death, their bodies still maintained an upright sitting posture with their eyes half-closed and a peaceful expression on their faces.

Lamenting the loss of four Ultimate Class warriors, Zeke lit four cigarettes and stuck them in the ground before the four men.

“Zeke, there's no need to pay them respect! They deserved to die after besieging the president's residence and attempting a coup. It's all because of them that our life forces are damaged, and you nearly died in the abyss. In my opinion, we should hang their bodies above the gates of the president's residence as a warning to others.”

Zeke waved his hand dismissively. “No! They just had different beliefs from the president and still cared about Eurasia. After all, they even damaged their own life forces to prevent Eurasia from falling into the hands of thieves. Moreover, I think the energy they gave me would save my life.”

Though it did not seem like he understood Zeke's words, Sole Wolf still nodded. “All right.”

With the map of Summerbank given by the four Ultimate Class elders, their journey became much more easier.

However, the area had challenging terrains made up of mountains and forests.

Hence, it was exhausting for them to cross.

When they arrived at a forest, Tyler suddenly stopped in his tracks and cursed, “Damn!”

“What's wrong?” Everyone else stopped walking, alerted by his yelp.

Tyler pointed at a spot in front of them. “Look at that!”

Following the direction of his finger, they looked forward and saw a corpse hanging from a big tree.

The corpse had been hanging there for some time as it had rotten and emitted a pungent odor. Even maggots crawled all over it, and a large pool of body fluids was seen on the ground beneath it.

The face of the corpse was distorted with blood on every orifice it had.

Its eyes were wide open, and its tongue was sticking out.

All in all, it was a horrifying scene.

However, Zeke and the rest were completely unfazed. After all, martial artists at their rank were used to killing and thus would not be fearful of a mere corpse.

Sole Wolf mocked, “Tyler, your fear grows with age, doesn't it? It's just a pile of rotten flesh. What's so scary about it?”

“What do you know!” Tyler retorted. “I saw the corpse's eyes move.”

“You're bluffing. This person has been dead for at least three months. Its eyes are rotten, so how could they still move? Unless it's going to rise from the dead?” Sole Wolf pointed out.

“So what if it rises from the dead? I can easily kill it,” Ares chimed in, laughing.

“Something's wrong. The negative energy on this corpse is strong,” Zeke said with a frown.

Hearing his words, the others became wary.

Zeke then took out Ammo Needle and hurled one toward the hanging corpse.

The silver needle pierced the rope, causing it to break and the body to fall to the ground.

Zeke yelled at the corpse, “You're in the presence of Great Marshal—kneel before me!”

The others found it amusing that Zeke had asked a corpse to kneel to him.

“Those who don't kneel before me will be killed. Ares, burn him,” Zeke ordered.

“Got it!”

Ares approached the corpse and took out a lighter, ready to burn it.

To his surprise, when he was ten meters away from the corpse, it suddenly leaped to its feet and ran off.

As it moved, the rotten flesh on its body dropped to the ground, which was a gut-churning sight.


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