Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1682

Chapter 1682

Chapter 1682

Zeke got the feeling that the gigantic tiger would listen to him. Hence, he instructed, “Kill him!”

With another roar, Tiger Lord pounced on Jackson.

Jackson had no choice but to engage in a fight with the gigantic tiger.

Although the tiger was a few feet taller than Jackson, Jackson was an Ultimate Class warrior. In spite of the difference in size, it wasn't a match for him.

Jackson had the upper hand and continued attacking Tiger Lord as if it wasn't much of a formidable foe.

With that being said, Jackson couldn't shrug it off since he couldn't inflict any serious injuries upon it. It was only a matter of time until Jackson's potion ran out of effect.

Hence, he yelled, “Where's the members of the Black family and my guardians? Hurry up and do something to take this nasty creature out!”

Tiger Lord was outnumbered once Chris, Connor, and the rest of the guardians rushed over to the scene.

Despite the injuries it was slowly gaining, it had its eyes glued to Jackson and refused to let Jackson leave the battlefield.

Jackson was enraged and unleashed an attack in the direction of Tiger Lord's rump. As a result, a chunk of flesh was sliced off.

It growled in pain as blood continued gushing out of the wound.

At the end of the day, Tiger Lord was just another living being. There was no way it could withstand the agony of having a chunk of flesh cut off.

Irked by Jackson's attack, its eyes glowed brightly in fury. It turned around and roared in the direction of the summit.

A few seconds later, the trees started shaking vigorously, as if something was on its way down the mountain to join the fight. Even the mountain itself seemed to be trembling.

A moment later, a variety of beasts came storming down the mountain. In spite of the different species, they had one thing in common—the beasts were all of extraordinary sizes.

They spent most of their time at Summerbank, a place with bountiful spiritual energy. Therefore, it wasn't much of a surprise for them to grow much larger than their normal counterparts.

Some of the beasts had even developed astounding intelligence. Tiger Lord happened to be one of them.

Another roar from Tiger Lord was all it took to get the beasts to charge at the humans below the mountain.

The beasts took out a great number of humans regardless of their affiliation as they began attacking.

Countless members of Netherworld and Azure Dragon sustained serious injuries due to the beasts'

brutal attacks.

It was a piece of cake for them to take the beasts out if it was an ordinary fight. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case since the beasts came rushing down in hordes.

The beasts were a few times larger than normal. As such, it was child's play for them to take out an ordinary human.

Most of the forces there couldn't even defend themselves against the beasts.

Cold sweat broke out on Jackson's body when he saw the losing battle. He yelled, “Stop gathering together and spread out! Don't clump together, you idiots!”

Zeke returned the favor and instructed Tiger Lord, “Tiger, get the beasts to surround his forces! “

Seconds after Tiger Lord responded with a roar, it got itself into another fight with Jackson and his forces, ignoring Zeke's instruction.

Somehow, Zeke seemed to understand what Tiger Lord's roar meant. It seemed to be dissatisfied with the way Zeke had addressed it.

Thus, Zeke corrected himself, “Tiger Lord, do me a favor and surround them! Also, don't injure the members of Azure Dragon and allow them to retreat, please!”

When Tiger Lord turned around and responded with a grin, Zeke thought he was seeing things. At that moment, he was at a loss for words and knew Tiger Lord wasn't just another ordinary tiger from the woods.


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