Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1733

Chapter 1733

Chapter 1733

Sole Wolf asked carefully, “Hey, I might be wrong, but don't you guys think Zeke is acting a little weird earlier?”

Tyler took a deep breath. “Maybe the Great Marshal has his own reasons for doing that. He must have run into something in the valley. Maybe that something forced his hand, so he did what he had to do.”

Killer Wolf took a look at the depths of Bloodshot Valley. “Hey guys, mad idea, but do you think we should check the valley out?”

Alfred said, “Yeah, that's a mad idea, so I say we forget about it. The Great Marshal is a shrewd man. Every move he makes is meticulous. He must have his own reasons for doing that. If we disobey his orders and go down the valley, we might get in the way of his plans. That'd be a disaster, so I say we leave.”

They sighed and went back to the military base in disappointment.

At the same time, Warren was heading toward Summerbank at full speed. On his way there, he took his time to soak in Eurasia's scenery. The blue skies, the white clouds, the sprawling forests, the bustling cities—everything was a sight for him to behold.

Ever since he was little, Bloodshot Valley was all he knew. That place was his prison, and he never had the chance to see what the sky truly looked like. Now that he finally got his freedom, he was understandably excited.

From now on, I shall be the Great Marshal. I'll stand at the top of Eurasia's echelon, enjoying the worship of all its people. All its land, its riches, and its secrets shall be mine.

It did not take Warren long to arrive at Summerbank. When he showed up, the Azure Dragon fighters kneeled before him.

“Welcome back, Great Marshal.”

Ah, that hits the spot, Warren thought to himself. It feels great to be worshipped by the people.

He had held great power before, as he was the leader of the Fourth Branch, but the problem was, there weren't a lot of people in that branch.

Yes, they had a lot of respect for him, and he knew that. However, it was still invigorating to have tens of thousands of people worshipping him, compared to just a few.

But that wasn't what Warren was most excited about. The people's worship was great, but what he loved more were the spiritual drugs that grew on Summerbank.

The thought that he could get his hands on them made his heart race with ecstasy. The smell of the air alone was already an indulgence for him, but he wanted more. He deserved more, or so he thought. And so Warren leaped up to reach Summerbank's summit.

Meanwhile, Lacey and Missy had finally reunited after all this time. They were sitting on the edge of a cliff, enjoying the scenery that unfurled below them.

The evening sunshine sprinkled a sheen of golden dust on them, celebrating their reunion. It was a quiet one, but still a warm meeting nonetheless.

They were the most beautiful existence on the mountain, but Warren was not in the least bit interested in them. All he could think about were Summerbank's herbs and how he could get his hands on them.

Even though Warren paid them no mind, Missy still noticed his return. She got all excited and pounced on Warren. “You're back, Daddy. You're back! Give me a hug, Daddy!”

Lacey was also beaming at Warren, thinking that he was Zeke. However, much to their surprise, “Zeke” did not hug Missy. Instead, he pushed her away. “I'm busy now. I don't have time for you. I'll talk to you later.”

Lacey and Missy were petrified. They could not believe that Zeke had just said no to Missy. That was not what the Zeke they knew would do. The old Zeke would shower all his love on Missy every time they met, no matter how busy he was.

He would never, ever push her away so harshly, but he did just that a moment ago.

“Maybe it's a really urgent matter,” Lacey told herself and picked Missy up.

Missy was getting tearful. “Mommy, does Daddy hate me now? He hates me, doesn't he?”

“Don't cry, Missy. Be a good girl.” Lacey calmed her down. “Daddy's the Great Marshal, and you know that. He's a soldier, so it's natural that he's busy. Let's leave him to his work for now, all right? He'll come over once he's done with his work.”

Missy didn't like it, but all she could do was nod.

When Ares heard the sound of footsteps outside, he came out of his cave. Once he saw Zeke, he quickly asked, “So what did you find, Great Marshal? Did you track Quasar down?”

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