Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1776

Chapter 1776

Chapter 1776

It was now the middle of the night, and there were hardly any guests still loitering outside their rooms.

The four assassins arrived at the top floor with ease, creeping in the direction of the presidential suite.

However, when they arrived at a spot about ten meters away from the room, a strong sense of danger suddenly overcame them.

On instinct, they immediately glanced behind them, only to find it completely bare.

Not a single figure was in sight.

They could not help but feel perplexed.

What was that? That danger definitely felt real. Could we be wrong?

However, they had been in the business for ten years now, and they doubted their sense of danger had gone wrong.

Thus, they took a moment to make sure they were completely safe before advancing.

However, the moment they turned back, they suddenly felt a shiver run down their spines.

They did not know when or how it happened, but a figure had appeared in front of them.

What the heck? Is that a ghost? How did he suddenly pop up here without a hint of movement or


The assassins had to admit even they could not have accomplished such an impressive feat.

However, without giving them half a moment to think, the figure's face then broke into a wide grin as he launched a kick at their leader.

The leader instantly flew backward, crashing into the other three assassins, and all four of them fell on the ground in a heap.

A torrent of pain shot through their bodies, so excruciating they could not stop howling in pain.

“Run!” Seeing that their plan had failed, the leader immediately made the decision to abort the mission.

However, before they could even get off the ground, nine figures suddenly emerged from the dark corners and formed a circle surrounding them.

They each wielded a long sword which they pointed at the assassins' heads.

The assassins did not dare to make so much as a twitch, their hearts plunging into utter despair.

We're doomed!

They had not expected their opponent to have made preparations in anticipation of their arrival.

Who are these people? They put us at their mercy with seemingly no effort at all!

The leader of the assassins gazed at the man who was the first to appear before them just now.

Realization struck him as he observed the overweight man with the potbelly.

“S-Sir, you're the p-provincial governor, aren't you?” he exclaimed in disbelief.

Big Back scoffed and retorted, “I'm here on a top-secret mission. How dare you come here and mess around as well? You must be tired of living!”

The assassins fell into hopeless despair. “Please forgive us, sir! We didn't know you were on a mission here, so this wasn't an intentional offense...”

However, Big Back did not waste his breath talking with them. Instead, he shot his comrades a meaningful glance.

Understanding what he meant, the nine men swiftly slashed at the assassins with their swords, and the four instantly collapsed on the ground, dead.

Following that, Big Back cleaned up the scene and left hurriedly.

In the presidential suite, Lacey thought she heard a sound coming from outside.

“What's that sound, Zeke?” she whispered worriedly.

Zeke smiled as he reassured her, “It's nothing. Go back to sleep.”

At that, Lacey nodded as she mumbled, “Okay. Good night.”

“Good night,” said Zeke.

In truth, Lacey knew Charles was likely so pissed off for not being able to get his way that he had sent men to come and cause trouble.

However, since Zeke said everything was fine, then she knew there was indeed no reason for her to worry.

After all, who was Charles but the son of the head of the Ministry of Sacred? She knew Zeke hardly considered him a threat.

Meanwhile, in Charles' private lounge on the first floor of the hotel, Charles was beginning to feel as if his entire body was on fire.

Pacing in his room with giant beads of sweat rolling down his forehead and back, he felt like he was going to explode. He could barely wait for another second before dashing off to Lacey's room.

However, he had yet to receive a reply from the four assassins.

After waiting for what seemed like an eternity, his patience finally burned out.

Thus, he dug out his phone and contacted the assassins.

However, none of them would pick up his calls.

Damn it!

Suddenly, Charles' heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad premonition.

Those idiots couldn't have failed their mission, could they?

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