Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1837

Chapter 1837

Chapter 1837


Zeke prompted, “Why would you say so?”

Harry explained, “Firstly, we've carried out a full body checkup and found nothing strange. Secondly, when they fainted for the second time, we did nothing to treat them, but they woke up on their own. Thirdly, people who fainted would usually retain memories from before the incident. Hence, they should know they've fainted once they're awake. Despite that, they were unaware of themselves being unconscious. All of these symptoms point to either poisoning or witchcraft.”

Zeke fell into deep thought.

This matter was, as he expected, not that simple.

Suddenly, a piercing scream by Lacey traveled from the operating theatre. “Nancy! Dawnie! What's happening to you two?”

Oh no!

Zeke quickly returned to the operating theatre.

Inside, Nancy and Dawn were holding their foreheads with one hand while supporting themselves against the wall with the other, their faces twisted in pain. They couldn't stand firmly and looked as if they were about to collapse.

Lacey was sweating profusely as she said, “Nancy, Dawnie, come here and lie down on this bed.”

“Didn't I say you two need to get some rest?” Zeke was about to help them when they suddenly stood firm again. “Nancy, Dawnie, what happened just now?”

“I don't know either. I just felt an excruciating pain in my head all of a sudden, and I was slightly unconscious. Then when you entered, the headache disappeared and my consciousness returned. And now, I don't feel anything,” Nancy answered, puzzled.

Dawn nodded in agreement. “Me too.”

“That's weird.” Zeke furrowed his brows. “So when I came back, your unusual symptoms disappeared. Could it be... Nancy, Dawnie, did your headache begin right after I left the room?”

The two women looked at each other for a moment and replied, “I think so.”

Could it be...

Zeke's expression darkened. “Okay, I have my suspicions, and I'm going to test it out. I'll leave the room for a while. You guys watch out for the symptoms.”

With that, he left the operating theatre.

As soon as he exited the place, the two women's massive headaches returned. They were in so much pain that they could not stand firmly and were about to collapse to the ground.

Soon, Zeke returned.

Surprisingly, their unusual symptoms vanished as soon as he arrived. It was as though nothing had happened.

This strange phenomenon left the three women stunned. “Zeke, what's going on? Does that mean you can't leave our sides for the rest of your life?”

A melancholic smile appeared on Nancy's lips. “It's us who can't leave him. Zeke, this can't be a sickness, right? Just tell us the truth already.”

Seeing how things had turned out, Zeke knew there was no point in hiding the truth anymore.

“That's right. It's possible that it's not a sickness. Both of you could be poisoned. It might even be witchcraft or poisonous worms.”

What... What on earth?

The two women were shocked to hear the terms “witchcraft” and “poisonous worms.”

To them, these were unfamiliar terms. Thus, it was horrifying.

Trembling with fear, Dawn said, “It's more relieving if it's poison. But if it's the latter... Tell us the truth, Zeke. Is this the end of us?”

“Don't worry. I'll do whatever I can to find a cure. The Cygnus Room I'm in charge of is Eurasia's best medical institution. Not only have they accomplished great things in the medical field, but they're also familiar with witchcraft and poisonous worms.”

Both women were still worried because they knew Zeke was trying his best to calm them down.

Zeke went on, “What I need to find out now is the source of your poison. Now, many illnesses are caused by food. So I need both of you to think carefully. Did you consume anything suspicious when you came to Corleon?”


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