Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1839

Chapter 1839

Chapter 1839

Robert took in a deep breath and recollected himself. “Don't worry, Jason. I can still destroy Williams without her. Looks like I've no choice but to use my secret weapon now.”

“Secret weapon? What kind of secret weapon are you talking about, Dad?” asked Jason, intrigued.

Robert asked, “Let me ask you a question. Who's the leader of the underground world in this area?”

Without hesitating, Jason answered, “Of course, it's Mr. Conrad, Adrian Conrad. Why are you asking me this, Dad?”

“Do I really have to spell things out? Adrian is my final trump card. My secret weapon,” Robert answered.

How is that possible?

Ivan exclaimed, “But everyone knows both you and Adrian are like ice and fire. Your hate for each other is so deep that you can't live in the same universe. You even ordered me to set him up several times. How can he be your trump card?”

A mysterious smile appeared on Robert's face. “Our tense relationship is only what everyone sees on the surface. In reality, we've secretly come to a common understanding long ago. In fact, we've been working together and have gotten quite close. If it hadn't been for Adrian's help throughout the years, it would've been impossible for me to remain a billionaire. Of course, his underworld forces wouldn't have become so powerful as well if I hadn't supported him financially.”

Robert's words left both Jason and Ivan stunned.

Never had they expected Robert to be on good terms with his archenemy.

Even Jason, who was his son, was kept in the dark.

He inquired cautiously, “Dad, why do you guys have to hide your relationship as partners?”

Robert sighed and said, “Both of us are too powerful that it has already attracted the higher up's attention. If we were to work together in public, the higher-ups might attack us, fearing we might overpower them. So, it's better for us to bicker and attack each other on the surface to make the higher-ups feel more at ease. At least they'll turn a blind eye to such matters.”

“Impressive. That's really impressive,” said Jason as he gave his father a thumbs up.

“This is an important lesson for you, my son. Let's go. There's no time to waste. We need to look for Adrian now.”

With Ivan driving the car, both Robert and Jason arrived at Royal Casino.

Royal Casino was decorated luxuriously. From the outside, it looked like a resplendent and majestic palace, which lived up to the word “royal.”

Most importantly, it was Adrian's base.

He used this building most of the time to conduct businesses and entertain guests.

The services at Royal Casino were not only limited to gambling, but they also provided food and

entertainment. It was an extremely extravagant place.

Even though it was only noon, the parking lot was already packed with cars.

There was no doubt that Royal Casino was crowded with people as well.

It took Ivan a long while to find a parking space.

Once the car was parked, they were about to enter inside when a shadow flashed past and stopped them in their tracks.

“Gentlemen, please hold on.” The person who halted them was Adrian's trusted aide, Edmund Pieck.

Edmund was known to be ruthless and vicious. About seven to eight people's blood was on his hands.

However, Adrian still kept Edmund by his side and had even cleared his criminal records. It was clear how powerful the former was.

Back then, Edmund had carried out countless tasks for Adrian to set Robert up. No one knew better than him about the grudges between the two men.

Therefore, he never expected that Robert would step foot in Adrian's territory one day.

Is he tired of living? Does he have a death wish?

Edmund smiled sinisterly. “It's an honor to be in your presence, Mr. Quinn. I apologize for the delayed welcome. May I ask what business you have here?”

“I want to see Mr. Conrad. There's an important matter I have to discuss with him. Please let us in,” Robert said.

“May I know if you've made an appointment with him?” Edmund asked.

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