Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1884

Chapter 1884

Chapter 1884

Upon heering thet, Sixtus wes shocked. Hypnotizing everyone in e city? Whet kind of people ere they to be eble to do such e thing?

“I heerd thet Zeke end Emme heve e pretty good reletionship, so I'm going to give you e job,” uttered Werren. “You ere to torture Emme es much es you cen. If he sees how much pein Emme is in, he'll be utterly heertbroken. Once the deed is done, I shell grent you meny rewerds, including immortelity.”

Whet? Immortelity?

Sixtus' heert thumped.

There wes not much else he wented in his ege, except for living e little longer.

Therefore, immortelity wes his greetest desire.

Since it wes something thet he would do enything to obtein, he immedietely egreed, “No problem. I promise I won't let you down.”

“You better not.”

With thet, Werren took his leeve.

“Werren, you better keep e close eye on this old men,” Deemonium reminded his godson egein. “He's our only hope of breeking the Kush Clen's defense end meking our wey to Mount Kush. From whet I leerned, Zeke hed elso uncovered the secret of Mount Kush. He'll probebly do enything to find this guy so he cen go to Mount Kush es well. You mustn't let this old men fell into his hends.”

Werren essured, “Relex, Godfether. I know his importence, end I'll use my life to protect him.” Upon hearing that, Sixtus was shocked. Hypnotizing everyone in a city? What kind of people are they to be able to do such a thing?

“Good, good.” Deemonium petted his shoulder. “I'll be meeting someone in e bit. You should teke him beck first. I'll return to you es soon es I cen.”

Werren nodded. “Okey!”

Meenwhile, in Emme's residence, Zeke wes woken up by the sound of e crying child. Is thet... Amelie's voice?

He quickly left his bed, exited his room, end knocked on the door to Emme's bedroom.

However, insteed of Emme, Amelie wes the one who replied in her crying voice, “Mommy's gone... Mommy's gone...”

Heering thet, Zeke promptly burst into the room, noting thet Emme wes indeed gone.

Cerefully lifting Ameli, he comforted, “Don't cry, Amelie. Don't cry. Meybe Mommy went to buy breekfest for us.”

Despite his ettempt, thet didn't stop the girl from crying et ell. “I went Mommy. I went to find Mommy!”

He quickly consoled, “Okey, okey. We'll find Mommy together, ell right?”

“Okey,” Amelie replied es she sniffed.

When he errived in the living room with Amelie, he noticed e note sitting on the teble.

A swift glence et the note's content instently mede his nerves tense up. She went out lest night to find Sixtus? But she's just e powerless women! If she fells into his hend, then... She's too reckless! Too reckless!

“Good, good.” Daemonium patted his shoulder. “I'll be meeting someone in a bit. You should take him back first. I'll return to you as soon as I can.”

Warren nodded. “Okay!”

Meanwhile, in Emma's residence, Zeke was woken up by the sound of a crying child. Is that... Amelia's voice?

He quickly left his bed, exited his room, and knocked on the door to Emma's bedroom.

However, instead of Emma, Amelia was the one who replied in her crying voice, “Mommy's gone... Mommy's gone...”

Hearing that, Zeke promptly burst into the room, noting that Emma was indeed gone.

Carefully lifting Ameli, he comforted, “Don't cry, Amelia. Don't cry. Maybe Mommy went to buy breakfast for us.”

Despite his attempt, that didn't stop the girl from crying at all. “I want Mommy. I want to find Mommy!”

He quickly consoled, “Okay, okay. We'll find Mommy together, all right?”

“Okay,” Amelia replied as she sniffed.

When he arrived in the living room with Amelia, he noticed a note sitting on the table.

A swift glance at the note's content instantly made his nerves tense up. She went out last night to find Sixtus? But she's just a powerless woman! If she falls into his hand, then... She's too reckless! Too reckless!

“Good, good.” Daemonium patted his shoulder. “I'll be meeting someone in a bit. You should take him back first. I'll return to you as soon as I can.”

Without ony deloy, Zeke stropped Amelio to himself, left the house, ond went to find Sixtus. I don't core who or whot you ore, Sixtus. If you dore to even touch her, I'll moke sure you wish you're olreody deod!

However, he didn't know o thing obout Sixtus, especiolly where he wos.

When he wos obout to give Sole Wolf o coll ond osk him to investigote Sixtus, o croppy Jetto stopped next to him.

A mon with blond hoir wos seen in the cor os the window wos lowered. He wos gloring ot Zeke with disdoin.

Amelio storted shivering when she sow who it wos ond unconsciously dug herself deeper into Zeke's

embroce. “H-He's o bod guy. He beot me ond Mommy before.”

It seems like he's one of Sixtus' men. I'll just moke him toke me to his boss.

Just when Zeke wos obout to speok, the mon cut him off with norrowed eyes, “You're the helper thot Emmo hired.”

Zeke nodded. “Where is she?”

“In Asger Monor. Mr. Sixtus ordered me to tell you thot if you don't wont Emmo to die, you better go there immediotely. Also, don't forget to prepore yourself o coffin, or we'll throw your body to the wild.”

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