Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1925

Chapter 1925

Chapter 1925

The people started connecting the dots as a preposterous thought popped into everyone's mind.

Yet, they were determined to laugh it off. Boxing King is a legend. There's no way Zeke could win the match.

When Boxing King saw Zeke, a cold chill went down his spine. He hung his head low and avoided him.

He intentionally stayed behind in the gym to kill time. He thought that Zeke had left the premises, but who knew they met again at the entrance.

Boxing King was so traumatized that he wished he would not encounter the man anymore in his lifetime.

Zeke called out to him, “Hang on, Boxing King!”

Upon hearing that, Boxing King stopped in his tracks.

He turned around and bowed at Zeke. “Yes, Mas... Master, anything?”

“You don't deserve to be called 'Boxing King'. So, I'm going to strip you of the title, and I'm sure you have nothing to say about that,” Zeke insisted.

Obviously, Boxing King could only acquiesce in Zeke's decision. Nodding, he muttered, “You're right, Master. I don't deserve the title. Henceforth, you're the one and only Boxing King.”

Zeke replied contemptuously, “Oh please, save it. A mere title isn't worthy of me. Now, get out of my


Oh, great!

Boxing King scurried away as if his death sentence had just been revoked.

There was pin-drop silence as everyone gaped in disbelief. They were utterly dumbfounded by what happened.

Everyone at the scene froze in shock when they witnessed how Zeke ordered Boxing King around as if the latter was his lackey. The most unbelievable thing was that Zeke had even removed his title!

Ironically, Boxing King was not enraged. Conversely, he gave Zeke a ninety-degree bow and voluntarily gave up his title.

This is insane! The world must have gone nuts! Zeke actually beat Boxing King.

As everyone got overly worked up, they forgot about the bet.

Sasha found it hard to accept the reality. She hurriedly walked up to a familiar old man who had just exited the gym. “Mr. Landon, how was it?”

Everyone rushed over, huddled together, and was eager to listen in.

Henry took a deep breath. “You might find this hard to accept, but Zeke crippled Boxing King without a single move. The fight was spectacular, a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I consider myself blessed to have witnessed such an amazing match before passing on.”

What? Did he defeat Boxing King without even making a single move? How did he manage to do that? This is just plain ridiculous!

Then, some people went on to ask the audiences the same question, only to receive similar answers.

With that, they had no choice but to acknowledge the fact that Zeke beat Boxing King in what was regarded as a one-sided defeat.

As a result, the crowd was terrified and began to distance themselves from Zeke.

Sasha stood rooted to the spot. Narrowing her eyes at Zeke, she stared at him with a dreamy expression.

A superb warrior, especially a young one who had surpassed Boxing King, was tremendously attractive in the eyes of most women.

Zeke gazed at both the plump and skinny security guards. “Would the two of you please calculate Amelia's bet?”

“Oh, huh? Sure, sure!” The guards did as he said.

Sasha and Amelia were the only two who bet on Zeke.

Hence, it was very easy and quick to tabulate Amelia's lot. She betted ten and won a million.

Zeke teased her, “I guess you're the youngest self-made millionaire in the world, Amelia.”

“Zee, is one million a lot of money?” the girl asked carefully as she had no concept of money.

Zeke nodded with a smile. “Yes, it's a huge sum to any Tom, Dick, and Harry. They probably can't even earn that amount in a lifetime.”

Amelia was thrilled. “Really? I must pass this money to Mommy so that she doesn't need to work so hard anymore. In turn, she will have more time to spend with me.”

Zeke ruffled her long hair. “No worries, your mommy is now a billionaire. She won't need your money anymore.”

Zeke fixed his gaze on Sasha. “Based on our bet, aren't you releasing all the money to me since I won?”


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