Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1943

Chapter 1943

Chapter 1943

Turning around to see the three of them, Bryan could not help but frown. “Why are there only three of you?”

Immediately, Zeke tried to cover up. “Oh, she went to the toilet and will be right back.”

As an Ultimate Class warrior, it was easy for him to imitate someone else's voice.

Thankfully, Bryan did not question any further and nodded in response.

“You can start sterilizing the surgical instruments. We shall start the operation soon.”

“Yes, sir.”

To avoid any suspicions, Zeke pretended to heed the directions given.

Meanwhile, Bryan wore his gloves and prepared to start.

Once they completed the preparation, Bryan rolled up Amelia's sleeve. “Pass me the anesthesia.”

Zeke hurriedly handed the syringe over to the doctor.

Before Bryan could inject the liquid into Amelia, however, Zeke interjected. “Mr. Hilton, please wait. Haven't you already injected the patient with anesthesia?”

Rolling his eyes, Bryan growled, “Nonsense! How could I have injected anesthesia into her when you haven't brought it to me? She is merely sleeping right now.”

Yet, Zeke rebutted, “I don't think that's it. Looking at the patient's state, she is probably unconscious because you already sedated her. She doesn't look like she's asleep.”

“Shut up! I am the chief surgeon here, while you are my assistant. All you have to do is listen to my instructions. You have no right to question me,” Bryan roared in annoyance.

“It doesn't matter whether you are the chief surgeon or the assistant. You have to be responsible for the patient's life.” Zeke did not back down. “From what I can tell, that syringe does not seem to contain anesthesia but a cardiotonic agent.”

For a moment, Bryan's heart skipped a beat, and a bad feeling started welling up within him.

D*mn it! What's with this situation? Why does this man know so much? He could tell that the patient had been injected with anesthesia and found out that this contains a stimulant. Did someone leak my plan?

Although there were millions of questions in his head, Bryan still forced a calm front.

He stated, “Get out. You are hereby fired.”

To his surprise, Zeke retorted aggressively, “If you inject the patient with this dose of cardiotonic after administering anesthesia to her, she is likely to die from heart failure. Even an animal can't withstand such a large dosage of stimulant.” Chuckling after a small pause, he analyzed, “Besides, the good thing about killing someone with this method is that the body would absorb it quickly. As such, there would be no traces of the stimulant even after conducting an autopsy. Mr. Hilton, it seems you have devised an impeccable plan.”

D*mn it!

Bryan panicked as he did not expect his assistant to figure out his plans.

What should I do? Should I stop here? But the cardiotonic in my hands will be the evidence for my attempted murder. If this matter leaks out, it will tarnish my reputation, and I won't be able to receive the three million Thomas promised me.

Bryan pondered. I can only come up with a quick fix. If I inject her with the stimulant, her body will absorb it and break it down. There won't be any evidence of the murder, and I believe Thomas can save me from getting convicted of it.

Without wasting any time, he prepared to stab Amelia's arm with the syringe in his hands.

Naturally, Zeke would never let him get his way.

At the speed of light, he grabbed Bryan's hand and turned the syringe to inject Bryan with it instead.

However, he did not administer all the contents in the syringe. There was still some liquid left in it, which he planned to use later.


Bryan was at a loss.

He knew that Zeke was right. No animal could survive after they received that dosage of the cardiotonic


Thinking that Zeke had injected everything into his body, Bryan was worried that he would die.

Once injected with the stimulant, it would quickly work its way into his heart.

At the thought of that, Bryan's heart began to pump faster and harder. His blood was rushing through his veins, quicker than ever.

He felt his pulse race, and he thought his veins would burst from how fast his blood was flowing. Before he knew it, his vision turned black.

It felt worse than death.

Staggering forward, he tried to escape.

However, Zeke did not let him get his way. Undoing Bryan's belt, he tied Bryan to the chair.


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