Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1953

Chapter 1953

Chapter 1953

“Worse come to worst, I'll cut down the scale of operation or even shut down the company. My company is nothing compared to Amelia's well-being. Now that Amelia's legs have recovered, we're the real winners here!” Sasha said.

Zeke, who had been silent, finally spoke. “Come on. We're going to Linton Group. I'll help you get the justice you deserve.”


Both Emma and Sasha looked at him with a dumbfounded expression on their faces.

“Let's go. What are you guys looking at me for?” Zeke said as he stood up.

“Mr. Williams, I don't think we should go. I'm not sure if you know this, but Linton Group is one of the top ten leading corporations in the country. Even this branch of Linton Group has influence over the local government here! If the higher authorities get a word of what you do at the branch, we'll get into trouble,” Emma said.

I'm sure he's someone from the underworld, judging from his fighting ability. He should be thankful that he's off the radar of the local authorities. But now, he wishes to go head-on with them? It's like he's seeking his own doom!

“Don't worry about it. It'll be fine. I know what I'm doing,” Zeke said.

“All right. Since Mr. Williams says so, let's follow him. Come on, Emma. I'll drive,” Sasha said before Emma could say anything else.

“Sha... How could you agree to it? What if this gets out and the authorities get a word about it? Won't this get Mr. Williams into trouble?” Emma asked in a hushed voice.

“Don't you think he's too mysterious? Since he's so determined to go to Linton Group, maybe he's someone important there! We can even use this chance to find out more about him! Aren't you curious about his identity after knowing him for so long?” Sasha replied.

“Yes. You're right. Okay. Let's go,” Emma replied with a nod after considering what Sasha said.

They got in the car, while Sasha took the wheel. Not long after, they arrived at the branch office of Linton Group.

Although it was a branch office, the building looked almost as grand as the headquarters of Linton Group.

The interior was decorated with all sorts of lights and elegant decorations, and the employees were busy doing their work. Everything was how the well-known Linton Group should look like.

Not bad. It seems that Brandon has been managing this place well. However, no matter how good of a manager he is, I'm stripping him of the position today. At Linton Group, we do not merely look at monetary gains. Instead, we put more emphasis on servicing the community.

As soon as the three of them got to the entrance of the building, the security guards stopped them from entering.

“Ms. Silvester, I'm terribly sorry, but you can't go in. You've been blacklisted by Mr. Hilton,” one of the

security guards said.

Both Sasha and Emma turned to look at Zeke.

“Is that how you treat your business partners?” Zeke asked.

“Who the h*ck are you? You have no right to speak here. Get lost!” the security guard said after glancing at Zeke.

Zeke sighed. “Forget it. I'll fire some of you today. You're just a bully who pretends to be tough. You're not qualified to work for Linton Group.”

“Who do you think you are? Get lost! Otherwise, don't blame us for what we're about to do!” the security guards yelled and began swinging their batons in the air.

They looked intimidating as they swung their batons.

“It seems that you're quite used to mistreating the customers,” Zeke said.

“Hah! Now you know! We may be security guards, but our authority is only a level lower than our president! You can only pass if we allow you to. If we don't, there's nothing you can do, not even if you were to lick our boots! We gave you a chance to leave unscathed, but you didn't appreciate it. So, it's time to do it the hard way,” one of the security guards said.

Right after that, the security guards raised their batons and rushed toward Zeke.

Zeke remained calm and collected as the security guards advanced on him. When they got close to him, he casually raised his legs and delivered two kicks.


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