Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1955

Chapter 1955

Chapter 1955

“Mr. Williams, you made a wrong move.” Sasha glanced at Zeke while chuckling coldly.

“Oh? How is that so?” Zeke asked.

“You should've cut his tongue instead of breaking his arms. He always spouts nonsense. How annoying,” Sasha replied.

“You're right,” Zeke said while nodding.

What the f*ck?

Bryan was enraged.

“That's enough! Sasha, you're going too far! How dare you say such nonsense in front of me after you came to my turf and beat my men up? Do you think I'm a pushover?” Brandon yelled angrily.

“Your security guards deserved it for disrespecting the clients. Besides, you're an easy target,” Zeke replied.

“Get lost! Hmph! Just when I thought you were a somebody. It turns out that you're just a nobody with a big mouth! Besides, I've already terminated my collaboration with Sasha. She's not my client anymore. It's natural for my guards to kick you guys out of my building when she's just an outsider,” Brandon said while clenching his fists.

“Who are you to terminate the collaboration with Sasha without my permission? With immediate effect, I hereby dismiss you from your position as general manager,” Zeke announced.

“Hah! Dismiss me from my position? Who do you think you are?” Brandon scoffed.

“The entire Linton Group belongs to me. What do you think? Don't I have the right to do that?” Zeke asked.

“Hahaha! Oh my God. You've got mad, Zeke Williams! Do you think I don't know who my boss is? The president of Linton Group is a beauty! Are you telling me that you're cross-dressing to be a guy? Hahaha!” Brandon laughed out loud.

Right at that moment, Brandon's assistant rushed to him and said, “Mr. Hilton, I've run a check on him. It turns out that he's indeed someone from the headquarters.”

“What? Let me see.” Brandon's face darkened.

Emma and Sasha became excited upon hearing that. Oh my God! I can't believe Zeke's someone from Linton Group! Besides, he even dares to fire the general manager of the branch office. It's obvious that he's someone influential!

Sasha was elated. This is great news! My deal with Linton Group is saved! Since I'm acquainted with Zeke, I'll be able to get even more deals in the future! I wonder what his position in the headquarters is.

“Hahaha!” Brandon burst out laughing after reading Zeke's details in the employee directory.

“Zeke Williams, are you here to entertain me? Oh my God. I can't breathe. I don't know if you're stupid or crazy,” Brandon mocked.

Huh? What's going on? Everyone else was confused.

After that, Brandon showed Zeke's information to everyone.

From the directory, it was clearly stated that Zeke was a normal salesperson in Linton Group that hadn't contributed any sales to the company. Other than that, he was one of the lowest ranking employees who was paid eight thousand per month.

Zeke was boiling with anger after reading the details.

Before Linton Group became what it is today, it was Lacey's little steel mill. Back then, I merely acted as a salesperson to secure deals for the steel mill. Other than that, I even acquired countless companies to expand the company to what it is now! However, I've never thought that I'm still a salesperson who earns only eight thousand a month after what I've done for the company. Lacey must've done this on purpose to make a fool out of me! Argh! This is so embarrassing!

Emma and Sasha were completely humiliated that they couldn't even lift their head up anymore.

The more hopeful one was, the more disappointed one would get. When they saw how determined he was to come to Linton Group, they thought that he was someone important from there. Not once had it crossed their minds that he was just an insignificant salesperson who was on the brink of expulsion.


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