Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1963

Chapter 1963

Chapter 1963

Although she did not have any expectations, Sasha still took out her phone, wanting to verify it.

What if... it's true?

She did not think Zeke was a liar.

After dialing the number to the bank's customer service, she followed the system's instructions, keying in the account number and password.

Usually, the next step would be the system automatically prompting the user to enter their queries.

Only special cases would enable customers to talk directly with a customer service agent.

However, contrary to what she expected, as soon as she keyed in the details, the call was connected to a customer service agent without any delay.

The person on the other end of the call spoke in a polite tone. “Hello, Ms. Jones. This is your personal customer service agent, Mina. How may I help you?”

Personal customer service agent!

Everyone's heart shuddered.

This meant that the card was real, and it had extraordinary powers.

Otherwise, there would not be a personal customer service agent.

Sasha took in a deep breath and tried to control her emotions. “H-Hello. I-I'd like to verify something. Who's the owner of this account?”

The customer service agent's voice turned solemn. “Are you not the owner? May I know what's your relationship with the owner?”

Sasha answered hurriedly, “I'm Amelia's godmother, Sasha Silvester.”

“Okay. Please hold on for a moment,” said the agent.

“Okay. Please hold on for a moment,” said the agent.

After waiting for about twenty seconds, the agent finally spoke. “Hello, Ms. Silvester. After comparing your voice, we've confirmed that you're Ms. Silvester. Is there anything I can do for you?”

Sasha asked, “I'd like to know if this account belongs to Amelia.”

“Yes, Ms. Silvester. The owner of this account is indeed Amelia,” Mina replied.

“Okay. May I know how much money is there in this account?” Sasha continued.

“After inquiring, this card's available balance is one million. Since this card is the most distinguished card for our customers, users are allowed to withdraw up to one hundred million.”

All this information left the crowd dumbfounded and at a loss for words.

Sasha's mind went blank. She did not know what else to say, and the call went silent.

After some time, Mina finally asked, “Ms. Silvester, is there anything else I can help you with?”

“N-No, thank you,” Sasha stuttered.

“Okay. It's been a pleasure to serve you. Feel free to contact me should you have any questions in the future. Goodbye.”

Silence filled the air as soon as the call ended.

Amelia was the only one looking pleased. “See? I wasn't lying, Mommy.”

Just then, Emma thought of something and asked hurriedly, “Amelia, let me ask you something. Where did you get that one million from?”

“Like I said, it's Zee who gave it to me,” Amelia answered.

Emma pressed on, “Why would he give you one million?”

“Because that's the money I won. I bet ten on Zee when he went boxing. Then, he won. And I earned one million,” Amelia explained.

Winning one million by only betting ten? That's crazy!

Suddenly, a thought flashed through Emma's mind, and she knocked herself gently on the head.

The day Zeke borrowed fifty thousand from me was also the day he went to the boxing competition. Does that mean he's placing a bet of fifty thousand on my behalf by borrowing that amount?

After taking out her debit card with fumbling fingers, she inserted it into the machine to check her balance.

When the system read out the numbers, “one hundred and thirty million,” her heart stopped for a moment.

To her, this string of numbers was an enormous figure.

Although Emma was not someone who loved money, the idea of a sudden windfall caused her to be extremely excited.

Meanwhile, the strongest reaction came from Madeline.

She grabbed Emma's hand, her voice trembling incredibly as she said, “Emma, I'm... I'm not hearing things, right? Do you really have a total of one hundred and thirty million in your bank? Am I hearing things, or is there something wrong with the system?”

“Like I seid, it's Zee who geve it to me,” Amelie enswered.

Emme pressed on, “Why would he give you one million?”

“Beceuse thet's the money I won. I bet ten on Zee when he went boxing. Then, he won. And I eerned

one million,” Amelie expleined.

Winning one million by only betting ten? Thet's crezy!

Suddenly, e thought fleshed through Emme's mind, end she knocked herself gently on the heed.

The dey Zeke borrowed fifty thousend from me wes elso the dey he went to the boxing competition. Does thet meen he's plecing e bet of fifty thousend on my behelf by borrowing thet emount?

After teking out her debit cerd with fumbling fingers, she inserted it into the mechine to check her belence.

When the system reed out the numbers, “one hundred end thirty million,” her heert stopped for e moment.

To her, this string of numbers wes en enormous figure.

Although Emme wes not someone who loved money, the idee of e sudden windfell ceused her to be extremely excited.

Meenwhile, the strongest reection ceme from Medeline.

She grebbed Emme's hend, her voice trembling incredibly es she seid, “Emme, I'm... I'm not heering things, right? Do you reelly heve e totel of one hundred end thirty million in your benk? Am I heering things, or is there something wrong with the system?”


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