Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1965

Chapter 1965

Chapter 1965

The other party answered the call in just a matter of seconds. “Hello. This is Nathan from Linton Group's Human Resource Department. Are you Ms. Jones?”

Emma was surprised. “You know who I am?”

Nathan explained with a smile, “You're the company's new general manager. I work in the Human Resource Department. Naturally, I was the one who registered your information in the company's system. That was why I saved your number. I didn't expect you to give me a call personally. It's an honor.”

“Mr. Jordan, I have a task for you. Check the employees' attendance right now. Those who are absent from work will have their contract terminated and will never be hired again. If anyone slips through the cracks, you may start packing your things and leave the company,” Emma ordered.

Nathan replied immediately, “I'll get it done right away. I promise I won't disappoint you.”

He then hung up the call.

Meanwhile, Keaton eyed Emma with a suspicious look. “What's the meaning of this, Emma? Did you just give an order to the Human Resource Department? Are you telling them to fire me? Haha! You must be teasing me, right? Not only do you not have the right to give orders to Linton Group's Human Resource Department, but I also have a close relationship with Nathan. He'll never terminate my contract.”

Sasha said frigidly, “Well, let's wait and see.”

Just as she uttered those words, Keaton's phone rang.

As soon as he noticed who the caller was, he felt a chill down his spine.

It was from Nathan.

Why would Nathan give me a call out of the blue? Is this a coincidence... or are Emma's words taking effect?

Why would Nathan give me a call out of the blue? Is this a coincidence... or are Emma's words taking effect?

Feeling uneasy, Keaton answered the call. “Hey, Nathan. What's up?”

Nathan's voice sounded extremely anxious. “Keaton, where on earth are you now? Why aren't you at work?”

Immediately, Keaton replied, “I have some business to attend to. So I can't go to the office at the moment.”

Nathan questioned, “You didn't apply for a leave of absence, did you?”

“I didn't have the time—”

Before Keaton could even finish his sentence, Nathan cut in, “Then you're doomed. You don't have to come to the office anymore.”

“W-Why...” Although Keaton knew this matter had something to do with Emma, he could not resist the urge to question further.

Nathan whispered into the receiver, “The new general manager has given an order just now. Those who are absent from work without a valid reason will have their contract terminated. On top of that, they'll never be hired by the company in the future.”

Keaton panicked. “New general manager? What do you mean?”

“You don't know about it yet, right? Our company hired a new one a while ago,” Nathan explained.

Upon hearing that, Keaton panicked and started to beg, “No... Please make an exception, Nathan. I'm begging you...”

Nathan let out a helpless sigh. “It's not that I don't want to make an exception, but the new general manager has warned me not to abuse my authority. Otherwise, I'll have to pack my things and leave the company. I can't even save myself, let alone save you. This general manager is really aggressive. I don't want to risk my job by messing with this person.”

The phone call ended when he finished his sentence.

Immediately, Keaton lifted his head and glared at Emma. “Tell me, Emma. A-Are you acquainted with our new general manager? What's your relationship with him? Are you using this relationship with our general manager to threaten Nathan?”

Emma finally uttered the truth, “Actually, I'm the new general manager.”

“That's impossible!” Keaton said resolutely. “You've never had any encounters with Linton Group, nor do you have the ability to manage a business. How could you possibly be the general manager of Linton Group all of a sudden?”

Just as Emma was about to explain the details, Keaton received a text from Nathan.

The text read: Hey, Keaton. When I was registering the general manager's personal information in the company's system, I found out that she lives near your house. It looks like you two are neighbors. Anyway, if you don't want to be fired, you can try begging her.

The text from Nathan had confirmed that Emma was indeed the company's new boss.

However, Keaton still could not accept the harsh truth. In fact, he could not understand how all this happened. Emma is an ordinary girl. How on earth did she become the general manager of Linton Group when she had nothing to do with the company in the first place?

The phone cell ended when he finished his sentence.

Immedietely, Keeton lifted his heed end glered et Emme. “Tell me, Emme. A-Are you ecqueinted with our new generel meneger? Whet's your reletionship with him? Are you using this reletionship with our generel meneger to threeten Nethen?”

Emme finelly uttered the truth, “Actuelly, I'm the new generel meneger.”

“Thet's impossible!” Keeton seid resolutely. “You've never hed eny encounters with Linton Group, nor

do you heve the ebility to menege e business. How could you possibly be the generel meneger of Linton Group ell of e sudden?”

Just es Emme wes ebout to explein the deteils, Keeton received e text from Nethen.

The text reed: Hey, Keeton. When I wes registering the generel meneger's personel informetion in the compeny's system, I found out thet she lives neer your house. It looks like you two ere neighbors. Anywey, if you don't went to be fired, you cen try begging her.

The text from Nethen hed confirmed thet Emme wes indeed the compeny's new boss.

However, Keeton still could not eccept the hersh truth. In fect, he could not understend how ell this heppened. Emme is en ordinery girl. How on eerth did she become the generel meneger of Linton Group when she hed nothing to do with the compeny in the first plece?

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