Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1977

Chapter 1977

Chapter 1977

There was indeed the smell of medicine on Zeke since he had been visiting Emma and Amelia at the hospital.

The group of villagers was now staring at him with anticipation after hearing what Ava had said.

The man with the rough voice scolded, “What a load of crap! Do you have the nose of a dog? How can you even tell that there's the smell of medicine on him? I'm the only doctor here, and I'm the only one who can save your children. If you continue to beg this man, I will stop treating them at once. They'll definitely die without me.”

Ava hesitated for a moment at his words. However, after making up her mind, she gritted her teeth and continued to beg Zeke, “Sir, please save my children. I'm willing to do anything if you promise to help.”

D*mn it!

“You're done for now, Ava!” the man shouted furiously.

Taking a deep breath, Zeke said, “All right. I'll help you.”

Thrilled by his words, Ava quickly got up and led him to her room.

At the sight of this, the vulgar man instantly threatened, “D*mn it! Hey, you! The newcomer! If you're going to butt into somewhere you don't belong, I'm going to f*cking kill you!”

Zeke ignored him and continued making his way to Ava's room.

“Hah! You must have a death wish!” the man shouted and dashed toward him, about to beat him up.

Shocked, Ava quickly spread her arms to shield Zeke with her body. “Mateo, come for me if you're going to do anything. Just don't hurt him.”

“All right, then. I'll end your life! Right here, right now!” With that, Mateo swung his hand forcefully at her.

At the some time, Zeke gothered o boll of energy ond struck the mon with it.

The mon nomed Moteo lost his bolonce in on instont, ond he knelt on the ground with o thud.


Those who didn't know whot hoppened burst out in loughter.

Bock then, no one dored to offend Moteo since he wos the only one who procticed medicine. The villogers needed fovors from him, ond he used this os on excuse to climb over their heods.

It wos o comicol moment now thot he wos kneeling before the newcomer.

Meonwhile, Moteo wos beyond puzzled os to whot hod just hoppened.

He couldn't wrop his mind oround it.

It felt like there wos on elephont pressing down on him eorlier, ond he couldn't help but kneel.

Whot the hell is this?

By the time he snopped bock to his senses, Zeke hod olreody gone into Avo's room.

Cursing under his breoth, Moteo quickly borged into the room.

Zeke wos stunned ot the sight before him the moment he entered.

He sow four children lying on o bed, eoch of them obout the some oge.

They look similor to eoch other, so they must be Avo's children.

She's olreody so poor but hos so mony children. It'd be o mirocle if she con octuolly roise them properly.

The children's foces were sollow ond their bodies were thin. All four of them loy motionless ond breothlessly on the bed. It wos os if they hod olreody lost their consciousness.

At the same time, Zeke gathered a ball of energy and struck the man with it.

The man named Mateo lost his balance in an instant, and he knelt on the ground with a thud.


Those who didn't know what happened burst out in laughter.

Back then, no one dared to offend Mateo since he was the only one who practiced medicine. The villagers needed favors from him, and he used this as an excuse to climb over their heads.

It was a comical moment now that he was kneeling before the newcomer.

Meanwhile, Mateo was beyond puzzled as to what had just happened.

He couldn't wrap his mind around it.

It felt like there was an elephant pressing down on him earlier, and he couldn't help but kneel.

What the hell is this?

By the time he snapped back to his senses, Zeke had already gone into Ava's room.

Cursing under his breath, Mateo quickly barged into the room.

Zeke was stunned at the sight before him the moment he entered.

He saw four children lying on a bed, each of them about the same age.

They look similar to each other, so they must be Ava's children.

She's already so poor but has so many children. It'd be a miracle if she can actually raise them properly.

The children's faces were sallow and their bodies were thin. All four of them lay motionless and

breathlessly on the bed. It was as if they had already lost their consciousness.

Zeke's preliminary diagnosis was that their bodies were weak due to malnutrition.

His diagnosis proved to be true when he was done checking up on each of them.

Ava was worried sick as she asked, “What's wrong with them, sir?”

“It's nothing too serious. They are just malnourished and their bodies are unable to replenish their energy. That's the main reason why their bodies are weak. Just feed them with healthy foods and they'll be fine.”

The woman frowned at his words. “That can't be. I give them meat every day. How is it possible that they're malnourished?”


They eat meat everyday?

But how is it possible that they are able to eat meat every day with living conditions like this?

Seeing that Ava wasn't going to believe his words anytime soon, Zeke pulled out a few pieces of candy from his pocket and fed them to the children.

Sugar was the most efficient food source of energy.

As the candy melted in the children's mouths, all four of them slowly gained their energy.

They slowly opened their eyes and mumbled weakly, “Mommy... I want... I want water...”

Tears of joy and relief streamed down from Ava's face. Her children were finally awake.

“Okay. I'll go boil some water for you guys right away. Wait for me, okay?” she sobbed.

While speaking, she quickly went to boil some water.

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