Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2003

Chapter 2003

Chapter 2003

It didn't take long before Peter gritted his teeth and steeled his resolve. “I'm sorry, but you must die today for the White Muraco Clan. Remember, the person who killed you isn't me; it's Zeke Williams!”

From underneath his fingernail squirmed out a black worm the size of a mosquito. He then allowed it to go into Mona's body through her nose.

She didn't feel anything at all as she continued to sleep.

A wicked smile appeared on Peter's face before he left.

The next day, just as the sun rose, Zeke was woken up by the tolling of a bell.

He immediately went on alert as he got up from the bed.

The urgent bell continued to ring deafeningly throughout the whole village.

All residents hurriedly rushed in the direction of the bell.

It was then he realized that the sound originated from the direction of the clan leader's house.

When the residents noticed Zeke passing by, they all looked at him with hostility.

“The moment this guy arrived in our village, the bell rang. It must be related to him.”

“I know, right? Outsiders always bring trouble to the village.”

“The Holy Maiden is making a mistake. Why did she bring an outsider here?”

Zeke wanted to follow the crowd and see what was going on, but a familiar voice stopped him. “Hold it, Mr. Williams.”

He turned around and saw Yazmin.

She asked him with a panicked expression, “Where are you going, Mr. Williams?”

“I want to check out what's going on with the bell.”

“There's no need for that. You should just wait here instead of going. That's the alarm bell in our village telling us that there's an emergency. When it rings, it means the clan needs to gather there. Since you're not a clan member, you shouldn't go.”

He spoke in a commanding voice. “Has Mr. Andres returned? If he has, then tell him to meet me right away.”

As the Great Marshal, everyone in Eurasia was his people. Therefore, he felt entitled to order the clan leader to come and meet him.

That pissed Yazmin off a little, as she thought he was being rude.

After all, they were still in the clan leader's territory, and Zeke was just a visitor. It was over the line that he expected the clan leader would meet him just because he ordered him to.

However, she was in a hurry to head to the meeting, thus she vaguely nodded in his direction and left

instead of arguing with him.

Moments later, Sole Wolf and Ava approached him.

Sole Wolf asked carefully, “What's the situation, Zeke? Did someone die? Is that why the bell's ringing so loudly?”

Zeke replied, “I don't know what's going on, but I have a feeling that it's related to me. You two should hide in your rooms first. Don't come out unless I say so.”

“I'm with you, Zeke. If anything happens, at least I can still help you out.”

Ava quickly added, “If they're coming for me, you can just let me handle it, Mr. Williams. I came from the Village of Livestock. My life is worthless compared to yours. I only hope you can protect my child.”

“There's no need for that. The Muraco don't pose a threat to me.” Zeke shook his head.

Sole Wolf knew he was telling the truth, so he didn't say anything else. “All right, then. We'll just wait inside for your return. Be careful!”

Peter was currently holding Mona's “dead body” in front of the White Muraco Clan leader's house and crying loudly. “You mustn't die, Mona! You mustn't die! Whoever did this better not reveal themselves, or else I'll fight them to death, even if it costs me my life!”

The clan members who had gathered in front of the building were on the verge of tears as well.

Even though they didn't know what had happened, Mona's apparent death was clear for them to see.

She was the clan leader's precious daughter. He would most likely blame them for his daughter's death when he returned.

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