Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2079

Chapter 2079

Chapter 2079

“Thanks for the reminder. Sole Wolf, take them down as quickly as you can. It'll be easier for you to defeat Daemonium when he's alone,” advised Zeke. Daemonium, a Celestial Class warrior, is enough trouble on his own, so the last thing we want is to see him team up with Mahazael. Taking them down one by one is our best option.

“Got it,” responded Sole Wolf.

Mahazael immediately cried out in frustration because he intended to buy some time for Daemonium. Now that they know I'm waiting for backup, they'll probably do everything they can to take me out as quickly as possible. Well, it doesn't matter now. I'll just have to continue to stall for time.

However, Mahazael would soon realize that he was too optimistic about his situation.

After receiving his order, Sole Wolf swiftly broke through the ranks of Netherworld goons as though they were nothing.

Many of them lost their balance and tumbled backward after being hit by Sole Wolf.

Likewise, Zeke intensified his attack on Mahazael, who could not do anything but try to withstand the assault.

However, since Zeke outmatched Mahazael, it did not take long before he sent Mahazael flying. Zeke then formed a cage with his energy to imprison Mahazael and render the man completely helpless.

“It's time to end this.” With that, Zeke shrunk his energy cage, intending to squeeze the life out of Mahazael.

“No! This can't be the end of me. I refuse to die like this!” roared Mahazael before he started begging, “Please, Daemonium! You have to save me!”

Even though Mahazael was shouting at the top of his lungs, his voice could not travel so far. The man wanted to reach Daemonium by using his negative energy, but he knew it could not penetrate Zeke's energy.

Hence, Mahazael had no choice but to await his doom.

Meanwhile, Daemonium was still trying to track down Warren.

He had released his negative energy to cover a half-mile radius so that he could detect any signs of life within range.

When Daemonium sensed the presence of human beings just ahead of him, he quickened his pace.

As expected, he found Warren lying motionlessly on the ground.

The scene did nothing but cause Daemonium to pop a vein. This fool is good for nothing! If it weren't for his usefulness in the Secret Realm of Mount Kush, I would've sent him to the afterlife myself!

Furious, Daemonium gave Warren a good kick before injecting his negative energy to revive the unconscious man.

As soon as he regained consciousness, Warren instinctively shouted, “No! No! Please don't kill me! You can't do this!”

“Shut up, you idiot! Now get on your feet,” commanded Daemonium impatiently.

Warren immediately calmed down when he heard his godfather's voice.

After scanning his surrounding, Warren realized that Zeke was already long gone. The only person at the scene was his godfather, which was enough to assure Warren that he was still alive. “Godfather, there's something important you have to know. Zeke and the others—”

“Zip it! I know what happened, so you listen to me. If Zeke gets away because I had to come and find you, there'll be hell to pay. You hear me?” yelled Daemonium.

In response, Warren lowered his head and remained silent, for he knew that he would only enrage Daemonium further if he talked back.

“Get moving now. We have to catch up to Zeke,” ordered Daemonium. “You'd better hope that Mahazael managed to hold the man back. Otherwise, I'll hold you responsible for his escape!”

“Wait! Give me a minute,” requested Warren before disappearing into a bush.

After a short while, the man walked out carrying Holy Maiden of the Black Muraco Clan. “Please, Godfather. You have to saver her.”

“What do you want me to do?”

The man's anger was so intense that Warren could feel his heart skip a beat.

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