Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2089

Chapter 2089

Chapter 2089

Moon Pavilion was the best location for moon gazing. However, it was not the right season for it. Hence, the surrounding area was rather quiet.

At that moment, sitting in the Moon Pavilion was a noble and graceful figure.

The moon, stream, flowers, and a beautiful woman made up a beautiful scene.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the woman in Moon Pavilion turned around slowly. As soon as she noticed it was Zeke, a smile formed on her face, which was a rare scene. “Oh? What a coincidence!”

The woman was Holy Maiden, Erwen.

Ever since Zeke's arrival, she had been smiling more than she did in the past.

Zeke nodded slightly. “I know, right? What a coincidence.”

He stepped into Moon Pavilion and sat beside Erwen.

Coincidentally, he was looking for her as he wanted to hand over the White Muraco Clan's Progenitor to her.

Before he could even speak, Erwen placed her fingers over her lips and hushed, “Shh... Listen, Mr. Williams.”


Zeke fell silent and concentrated on listening.

It was unusually quiet there; only the buzzing sounds of bugs could be heard.

He asked, “Are you telling me to listen to the sound of bugs?”

Erwen nodded. “That's right. Do you know what kind of bugs make this sound?”

Zeke shook his head. “No.”

“It's a specific species found in Muraco called Lovebird Cricket. The reason they're called Lovebird Cricket is that they always appear in pairs, never alone. If one of them dies, the other won't have the will to do anything. Instead, it'll remain by its dead partner and starve itself to death. All for love,” Erwen explained.

As she said that, her face reddened, and she lowered her head.

Naturally, Zeke knew her intentions in saying that. After all, her tone was full of affection.

Nonetheless, Zeke decided to feign ignorance.

He could not let himself fall for her.

Hence, he merely nodded without saying anything.

Meanwhile, Erwen stole glances to observe his reaction. When she saw Zeke was unfazed, disappointment flooded her heart.

She did not believe that Zeke did not get her hint. He's acting that cold because he doesn't want to accept me.

Despite that, Erwen did not force the matter. Instead, she said, “Mr. Williams, is there something you wanted to tell me just now?”

Zeke nodded. “Yes. I've been assigned a very important mission, and I have to leave this place tomorrow. I won't be able to come here often in the future. Or maybe I won't even come anymore. Hence, I would like to make you the master of the White Muraco Clan's Progenitor.”

“No!” Erwen rejected without hesitation. “I refuse, Mr. Williams. I've never begged anyone in my life. But this time, I'm begging you. Please continue being the elder of the White Muraco Clan and not let anyone become the master of our Progenitor. Can you do that? This is my only request. I hope you can accept it.”

When Zeke saw the pleading gaze in her eyes, he could not bring himself to reject her.

Finally, he nodded. “Okay. But can you give me a reason?”

Erwen fell silent.

The reason she was so insistent was that as long as Zeke was the master of the White Muraco Clan's Progenitor, there was a possibility of him returning to Muraco. Thus, Erwen would still have some hope.

If Zeke was no longer the master of the White Muraco Clan's Progenitor, then he would not have any connections to Muraco. Erwen too would not have any hope left.

The days with no pursuit and expectations were the most unbearable. Erwen was not sure if she could stay strong till the end.

Nonetheless, she could not get those words out of her chest.

Seeing that, Zeke said, “Okay. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.”

Erwen got to her feet and said, “It's getting late. You should get some rest. I'm going to call it a day too.”

Truth was, she wanted Zeke to stay by her side a little longer. All she wanted was to watch the stars and listen to the sound of nature, even though they had nothing to say.

However, she could not hold her tears in anymore, and she did not want him to see her crying.

“Okay.” Zeke nodded.

With that, Erwen turned around and left.

The second she turned around, tears started streaming down her face.

She did not turn back until she was far from the pavilion.


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