Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2101

Chapter 2101

Chapter 2101

“After sending them away, I kept an eye on them again. Indeed, I discovered those from the Kush Clan had attached themselves to the girls.”

Tyler gasped in disbelief. “Attach themselves to a human? Just like the shadows from the Netherworld who attach themselves to human beings' shadows?”

Zeke shook his head. “It isn't a shadow. It's a piece of consciousness generated by the Kush Clan,” he revealed.


Killer Wolf and the rest could barely hide their shock.

They could separate their consciousness from their bodies to take action independently. How strong could the Kush Clan be?

Everyone fell silent after realizing the wide gulf between them and the Kush Clan. It was a devastating realization.

Zeke declared, “Come on, let's go. We shouldn't be in the firefighters' way.”

If the firefighters discovered victims trapped inside the fire, they would definitely risk their lives to save the victims.

As the firefighters were ordinary humans, it would be a huge risk for them. Zeke didn't want them to put their lives in danger.

Hearing that, everyone nodded in agreement. They then filed out after Zeke without a sound.

Everyone here, including Zeke, shared the same thought.

Strength trumps everything else! We must increase our strength as soon as possible or risk getting wiped out by the Kush Clan!

They were the backbones of Eurasia. If they were defeated, Eurasia would be doomed.

Downstairs, Elliot and his employees were frantic.

Zeke and the rest had been inside for a long time, so they were most probably trapped inside the fire. There might also be a possibility that they had been burned to their death.

If the company's owner has burned to death inside the building, I'll definitely have to bear the responsibility!

Left with no choice, he kept calling the fire brigade.

The firefighters said they would be here soon. Alas, not even a fire truck was in sight after a long while had passed.

In the end, they refused to answer his calls.

Damn it! A wave of fury crashed through Elliot as he declared, “I paid so much taxes on nothing! Bunch

of useless idiots!”

Suddenly, the crowd became restless. “Look there! Boss and the rest are coming out!”

“Oh, dear. Am I imagining things? Hurry, pinch me!”

“This is impossible! How could they be all right?”

Elliot instantly turned to the fire and saw Zeke and the rest walking out.

He gaped in disbelief.

Zeke and the rest were safe and sound. There wasn't even any ash on their bodies, let alone any burns.

They looked the same as they entered the building earlier.

Elliot also noticed a strange scene—the licking flames surrounding Zeke and the rest seemed to be avoiding them deliberately.

They are invulnerable to weapons and fire?

Elliot felt like he was losing his mind.

He wasn't the only one, for everyone else shared his sentiments.

Elliot dashed over to Zeke to welcome him. “Mr. Williams, I'm glad you're all right. Oh, how fortunate.”

Zeke gave a curt nod. “The building is empty now. Don't worry. Tell the firefighters to head in and put out the fire now. Eh? Where are the firefighters? They aren't here yet?”

Elliot answered, “Yes, they have yet to arrive.”

Zeke's expression grew solemn. “Why is that? Is the fire brigade too far away? Or did you not inform them?”

“I called them a while ago. The fire brigade is not far away from our building. They should've arrived in five minutes if they drove at full speed,” Elliot revealed.

Only five minutes away?

Zeke's face turned as dark as thunder.

As the fire brigade was five minutes away, it was strange that they had yet to arrive half an hour later. Something told Zeke that they had refused to show up deliberately.

Zeke was already fuming, so the news merely served to heighten his anger.

Grimly, he ordered, “Come on. Let's head to the fire brigade to check out what happened.”

As the fire brigade didn't show up, the Kush Clan was most probably behind it.

Perhaps we can find the Kush Clan members through this clue.

With that, Zeke, Tyler, and the rest left in tow.

Elliot falt lika ha was losing his mind.

Ha wasn't tha only ona, for avaryona alsa sharad his santimants.

Elliot dashad ovar to Zaka to walcoma him. “Mr. Williams, I'm glad you'ra all right. Oh, how fortunata.”

Zaka gava a curt nod. “Tha building is ampty now. Don't worry. Tall tha firafightars to haad in and put out tha fira now. Eh? Whara ara tha firafightars? Thay aran't hara yat?”

Elliot answarad, “Yas, thay hava yat to arriva.”

Zaka's axprassion graw solamn. “Why is that? Is tha fira brigada too far away? Or did you not inform tham?”

“I callad tham a whila ago. Tha fira brigada is not far away from our building. Thay should'va arrivad in fiva minutas if thay drova at full spaad,” Elliot ravaalad.

Only fiva minutas away?

Zaka's faca turnad as dark as thundar.

As tha fira brigada was fiva minutas away, it was stranga that thay had yat to arriva half an hour latar. Somathing told Zaka that thay had rafusad to show up dalibarataly.

Zaka was alraady fuming, so tha naws maraly sarvad to haightan his angar.

Grimly, ha ordarad, “Coma on. Lat's haad to tha fira brigada to chack out what happanad.”

As tha fira brigada didn't show up, tha Kush Clan was most probably bahind it.

Parhaps wa can find tha Kush Clan mambars through this clua.

With that, Zaka, Tylar, and tha rast laft in tow.

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