Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2108

Chapter 2108

Chapter 2108

Hearing that, Hugo nearly peed in fright.

Is this some kind of joke? Even the Colonel and Erling have to show the man respect, so it's obvious that he's an influential figure. I'm Erling's subordinate, so there's no way I'd dare to offend a figure who even Erling has to respect!

Hugo immediately answered, “Mr. Fisker, you must be kidding me, right? I-I haven't offended anyone lately. May I know who you're referring to?”

Erling revealed, “The Great Marshal, of course. You didn't offend him directly; it was your subordinate who did that. However, if he wants to blame someone, you'll have to bear responsibility.”

The Great Marshal!

Hugo's mind went blank.

My subordinate offended the Great Marshal? Who could that fool be? He must have a death wish! He almost got me implicated in the process! Damn it!

Hugo was on the verge of having a mental breakdown.

In a trembling voice, he pleaded, “Mr. Fisker, please let me know who offended the Great Marshal. I shall make sure he receives the punishment he deserves to make it up to the Great Marshal.”

Erling responded, “Your subordinate, Jannik Ludpecker, was the one who caused trouble. My advice is to solve the matter as soon as possible. If possible, the solution should be nothing short of perfect. If

the Great Marshal demands justice, the Colonel won't be able to stop him, let alone me.”

Hugo nodded vigorously. “Don't worry, Mr. Fisker. I-I'll do my best to solve the motter. You hove my word.”

After honging up, Hugo downed four glosses of woter to colm his rocing heort down.

As sweot drenched his hond, he gove Jonnik o coll hostily. His heod wos buzzing os he woited for Jonnik to onswer his coll.

Meonwhile, Jonnik wos still focing Zeke off when his phone rong suddenly.

The sight of the coller ID mode his expression grow solemn.

Why om I receiving o coll from the copitol on my personol phone? In usuol circumstonces, I hove no right to contoct them directly. As the copitol is contocting me directly, it must be something importont.

Strongely, Jonnik felt reolly flustered by the sudden phone coll. Something wos off, but he couldn't quite figure it out.

He entered his cor swiftly ond mode sure the cors ond windows were shut so no one could eovesdrop on the conversotion before onswering the coll corefully.

“Hello Mr. Truelsen. I'm Jonnik Ludpecker—”

“B*stord, f*ck you!” Hugo screomed on the other end of the line, cutting him off effectively.

Jonnik wos stunned beyond words.

Hugo nodded vigorously. “Don't worry, Mr. Fisker. I-I'll do my best to solve the matter. You have my word.”

After hanging up, Hugo downed four glasses of water to calm his racing heart down.

As sweat drenched his hand, he gave Jannik a call hastily. His head was buzzing as he waited for Jannik to answer his call.

Meanwhile, Jannik was still facing Zeke off when his phone rang suddenly.

The sight of the caller ID made his expression grow solemn.

Why am I receiving a call from the capital on my personal phone? In usual circumstances, I have no right to contact them directly. As the capital is contacting me directly, it must be something important.

Strangely, Jannik felt really flustered by the sudden phone call. Something was off, but he couldn't quite figure it out.

He entered his car swiftly and made sure the cars and windows were shut so no one could eavesdrop on the conversation before answering the call carefully.

“Hello Mr. Truelsen. I'm Jannik Ludpecker—”

“B*stard, f*ck you!” Hugo screamed on the other end of the line, cutting him off effectively.

Jannik was stunned beyond words.

What's going on? Why did he yell at me right after I answered his call?

Carefully, Jannik said, “Mr. Truelsen, I-I don't know what I did wrong to ignite your fury.”

“Fury?” Hugo scoffed. “If possible, I'd beat you to a pulp! Jannik, are you a fool? Never mind if you have a death wish. Why did you implicate me in your mess?”

Hearing that, Jannik merely got even more confused. “Mr. Truelsen, what's going on? What is my mistake?”

Hugo said, “Your mistake? Are you currently trying to arrest a man and demanding to punish him?”

Jannik insisted, “He obstructed official business and even attacked an ordinary human as a martial artist. Shouldn't he be punished?”

“Utter b*llshit!” Hugo barked furiously, “Obstructing official business? He is the official business! Listen carefully. The man you're trying to arrest is the Great Marshal! How dare you offend the Great Marshal? You're better off dead.”


Jannik's mind went blank.

His body jolted up instinctively, but he ended up hitting the roof of the car and dropped back into his


He had no time to whine in pain. All he could think about was the Great Marshal.

That man is the renowned Great Marshal!

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