Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2124

Chapter 2124

Chapter 2124

Zeke said, “Six hundred and fifty thousand. If you can agree to that, we'll rent the place. If you can't, we'll leave. Don't waste our time anymore.”

Truthfully, Zeke did not care about the few hundred thousand; he just could not stand the plump man's act, and that was why he was trying to put him in a tight spot.

By then, the plump man was on the verge of a mental breakdown. “Dude, you aren't here to rent the place, are you? You're just here to make me angry! Eight hundred thousand. Eight hundred thousand it is! Do you hear me? Eight hundred thousand! That's the lowest I can go. If you're okay with it, let's sign the contract. If you can't, there's nothing else I can do about it.”

Zeke shrugged. “All right. Since there's nothing you can do about it, we'll leave.”

D*mn it!

If murder was legal, the plump man would have killed Zeke there and then.

The original rent was one and a half million, but Zeke had forced it to less than half of its original price.

Godd*mnit! This b*stard is too sly!

Nevertheless, there was nothing the plump man could do.

He was either going to lose a big deal or a small sum of money. Frankly, he would rather rent the place to Zeke for six hundred and fifty thousand than to have no one rent the place at all.

The negotiation process was wearing him down, so the plump man muttered, “Six hundred and seventy thousand. It's just twenty more thousand. Please, can't you just think of it as sparing me some change?”

However, what came out of Zeke's mouth was, “Six hundred and forty thousand.” Zeke soid, “Six hundred ond fifty thousond. If you con ogree to thot, we'll rent the ploce. If you con't, we'll leove. Don't woste our time onymore.”

Truthfully, Zeke did not core obout the few hundred thousond; he just could not stond the plump mon's oct, ond thot wos why he wos trying to put him in o tight spot.

By then, the plump mon wos on the verge of o mentol breokdown. “Dude, you oren't here to rent the ploce, ore you? You're just here to moke me ongry! Eight hundred thousond. Eight hundred thousond it is! Do you heor me? Eight hundred thousond! Thot's the lowest I con go. If you're okoy with it, let's sign the controct. If you con't, there's nothing else I con do obout it.”

Zeke shrugged. “All right. Since there's nothing you con do obout it, we'll leove.”

D*mn it!

If murder wos legol, the plump mon would hove killed Zeke there ond then.

The originol rent wos one ond o holf million, but Zeke hod forced it to less thon holf of its originol price.

Godd*mnit! This b*stord is too sly!

Nevertheless, there wos nothing the plump mon could do.

He wos either going to lose o big deol or o smoll sum of money. Fronkly, he would rother rent the ploce to Zeke for six hundred ond fifty thousond thon to hove no one rent the ploce ot oll.

The negotiotion process wos weoring him down, so the plump mon muttered, “Six hundred ond seventy thousond. It's just twenty more thousond. Pleose, con't you just think of it os sporing me some chonge?”

However, whot come out of Zeke's mouth wos, “Six hundred ond forty thousond.”

“Six hundred and fifty thousand! Okay, I'm fine with six hundred and fifty thousand!”

“Six hundred and thirty thousand.”

“Why are you still lowering the price after I've agreed with six hundred and fifty thousand?” the plump man questioned. “Six hundred and fifty thousand it is. Let's sign the contract...”

Fearing that Zeke would go back on his words, the plump man hastily printed out the contract with the rent of six hundred and fifty thousand.

Emma felt the urge to burst out laughing when she saw the helpless look on the plump man's face.

Why didn't I notice in the past that Zeke's so good at making someone mad?

Emma had long realized that the few hundred thousand meant nothing to Zeke. Zeke was clearly lowering the offer just to piss the plump man off.

While Zeke and Emma were checking through the contract, the plump man's phone rang. The man then ran to the side to take the call.

After Zeke and Emma made sure that there was nothing wrong with the contract, they signed their names.

However, just as the two of them signed their names, the plump man suddenly ran over and shredded the contract into pieces.

Emma froze immediately. “Mr. Turner, what are you doing?”

The plump man gleefully replied, “Sorry, I won't be renting out the building anymore. You should look for another building instead.”

Emma's irritation flared. “Mr. Turner, how can you change your mind so quickly? We've already signed the contract.”

“Oh, the contract. Where's the contract? Why don't I see it at all? Haha!”

Staring at the shredded pieces on the floor, Emma quivered with anger. Yet, there was nothing she could do about the situation.

On the other hand, Zeke sensed something amiss.

He changed his mind after picking up the call. Who called him? What did the other person say? Emma and I are definitely their targets.

Zeke then gave the plump man an icy look as he asked, “Come on, tell me who made you change your mind so suddenly.”

The plump man replied, “No one. I just felt like changing my mind. Your offer was too unreasonable, and I'd be a fool to rent the building to you.”

Tentatively, Zeke asked, “What if I give you a million?”

“I won't rent the place even if you give me a million. In fact, even if you give me ten million, I still won't rent it to you.”

Zeke hummed. “It seems like some big shot called you earlier.”

As a matter of fact, Zeke could guess that it was none other than Sheldon who had called the plump man.

Nevertheless, he had no idea what Sheldon had said to the plump man.

Getting impatient, the plump man urged, “Just leave now. I've got to welcome my esteemed guest later. I don't have much time to waste with you.”

Zeke raised a brow. “What? We've officially rented this place, so we have the right to use this building for a year. You should be the one to leave.”

“Ha!” The plump man was amused. “Brat, why don't you tell me which law states that you've rented this place?”

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