Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2179

Chapter 2179

Chapter 2179

D*mn it... Trouble never comes singly, huh...

“What happened, Yasmin? Why are you crying?” Sheldon asked.

Yasmin, his secretary, sobbed as she mumbled, “A bunch of foreigners came by and smashed up your office, Mr. Guerrero! They even yelled and cursed at us! They brought fighters of their own, and our security guards are no match for them at all! Please do something, Mr. Guerrero!”

What the f*ck? Foreigners smashing up my office? What the hell did I do to offend them?

“I'll head over right away!” Sheldon replied and ordered the cab driver to take him to Intercontinental Group instead.

Having been told to change courses a few times, the cab driver was losing his patience and grumbled, “What a pain in the a*s...”

What the... I have nothing to say about Zeke and King bullying me, but you're just a f*cking commoner! You must have a death wish if you dare insult me like this!

Infuriated, Sheldon vented all of his anger on the cab driver by slapping him across the face.

“F*ck you! Who the hell do you think you are, huh? How dare you insult me?”

Sheldon was so consumed by his anger that he forgot he wasn't in his office, and that the cab driver wasn't his employee either.

Naturally, the cab driver wasn't about to let Sheldon get away with slapping him. He immediately pulled over by the side of the road and got into a fight with Sheldon.

As Sheldon had been pampered and spoiled since he was a child, he was no match for the burly cab driver at all.

He was still weak after being discharged, so the beating he received from the cab driver nearly put him back into the hospital.

Having vented his anger, the cab driver kicked Sheldon out of the car and sped off.

“D*mn it! D*mn it all to hell! Just you wait, you b*stard! I remember you, and I will come for you!” Sheldon shouted angrily through clenched teeth.

He then called his driver and had him come pick him up instead.

Because the driver encountered a traffic jam on the way and arrived a little later, Sheldon took his anger out on his driver as well.

Still feeling unsatisfied after abusing his driver verbally, Sheldon started hitting his driver.

Little did he know, that was a big mistake. The driver got disoriented by his blows and ended up crashing the car into the curb.

Sheldon was flung out of the car from the impact and hit his head hard on the sidewalk.

Despite having his brain rattled and his vision going black, he was able to remain conscious through sheer willpower.

No, I can't afford to die in a crash like this! D*mn it! Why am I so unlucky today?

After what seemed like forever, Sheldon finally arrived outside Intercontinental Group's headquarters.

His secretary had been waiting for him at the entrance with a few scars on her pretty face.

“You're finally here, Mr. Guerrero! Please, you have got to help us!” she sobbed while throwing herself into his arms.

Everyone knew about the scandal between Sheldon and his secretary, so no one batted an eye when they saw her seeking comfort in his embrace.

“Don't worry. I won't let anyone bully me on my territory. Come on, take me to them,” Sheldon replied.


Yasmin then led Sheldon to his office that was located on the top floor of the building.

His entire office was in a mess, and everything had been smashed to pieces.

A bunch of Yartrans could be seen standing inside his office.

They were all dressed in suits and stood in two rows, one on each side. The one in the middle was dressed in a white suit and had on a pair of sunglasses.

He appeared to be the leader of the group and was so focused on cutting his cigar that he completely ignored Sheldon's presence.

“Who the hell are you people—”


One of the Yartran bodyguards punched him in the face and yelled, “Shut up! You have no right to speak before our boss does!”


The look on Sheldon's face turned gloomy instantly.

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