Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2197

Chapter 2197

Chapter 2197

“If you can't explain where you got that forty thousand from, just wait to be arrested. Also, if you cannot prove that you bought these defective products from First Bloom Apparel, you'll have to take legal responsibilities.”

Sally felt like breaking down. She could not even oppose Harry, let alone Bill.

Unable to endure it anymore, she quickly said, “I'll reveal everything!”

“Speak!” Harry whipped out his phone to record what she said, just in case she went back on her word.

Sally explained, “A man gave me the forty thousand and instructed me to spend all the money on the clothes here. Naturally, I'd agree to something this great. I spent all of the forty thousand and bought new clothes. To my surprise, that man snatched all the new clothes back and tossed these defective products to me, ordering me to return them to First Bloom Apparel. Initially, I refused. These defective products are so bad that it's obvious they weren't from First Bloom Apparel. The staff will never allow me to return them. But that man assured me that I don't need to return the clothes. As long as I kick up a fuss and attract others' attention, he'll pay me a hundred for each person drawn to the crowd. This is why I was making such a huge fuss...”

When she revealed the truth, the crowd could not help but criticize her.

“Hmph! I knew that it was something like this.”

“I didn't expect such people to exist here! They are willing to go to all lengths just to ruin someone's reputation.”

“These people deserve to be punished by law!”

“I've already said that First Bloom Apparel will never sell such defective products. Do you believe me now?”

Lacey heaved a sigh of relief. Finally, First Bloom Apparel's reputation is saved.

Dawn asked Sally. “Where's the person who instructed you to ruin First Bloom Apparel's reputation? Bring us to him.”

However, Harry interrupted, “Forget it. There's no need to look for him. He has probably run away.”

As he spoke, he rummaged through the defective products that Sally brought and found a button.

He smashed the button apart, revealing an electronic device.

Harry explained, “This is a miniature listening device. When the person heard that his plan failed, he has definitely escaped.”

Dawn snapped through gritted teeth, “I definitely won't let him off so easily! No matter what, I'll find him!”

Harry glanced at Bill and asked, “Mr. Zimmer, do you have any idea who the mastermind is?”

He had already noticed that Bill was targeting Linton Group deliberately. Since he had no grudges against them, someone must have instructed him to do this.

The person was most probably the same as the mastermind who instructed Sally to defame First Bloom Apparel.

However, Bill shook his head and said, “I have no idea now. Don't worry, I'll investigate this matter personally. First Bloom Apparel is part of Linton Group, which is an exemplary private enterprise in Eurasia. It generates a lot of revenue for the nation each year, so it has contributed significantly to our economy. I'll never let anyone sabotage such an important enterprise.”

As Bill's praises toward Linton Group were extremely invaluable, Lacey felt excited.

Harry suggested, “Mr. Zimmer, why don't we split the tasks? I'll bring her to the police station to make a statement and describe what the mastermind looks like. You can investigate who the mastermind is too.”

What Harry meant was that Bill should go back and ask the person instructing him who the ultimate mastermind was.

This time, he must capture the culprit to be accountable to Great Marshal.

Bill agreed, “Okay, let's do this. I'll proceed with my investigation first. This is a serious matter, so we must be extra careful.”

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