Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2231

Chapter 2231

Chapter 2231

The cow embarked on the journey with Zeke and his men and headed in the southeastern direction.

The cow was moving so slowly that Zeke eventually lost patience. He then enveloped the cow with his energy and flew the animal up in the air.

The cow was terrified. What happened? Why am I flying? How did he do it?

Is he a devil? Did I escape from a devil and fall into another devil's trap? Oh, God!

Soon, the cow led them to an old and deserted village in the mountains.

There was not a single person in sight on the streets even it was during the day.

The villagers were all sleeping in their respective houses.

Zeke looked around and noticed the village, like Durbaine, had also farmed the same type of beans.

Clearly, Dullioud had used the same method to manipulate the villagers to grow those beans.

Zeke took a depth and sighed. I'm sure Dullioud has more bases like this in the other parts of the world.

Dullioud must have turned all these villagers here into puppets and manipulated them to farm these beans for the organization.

But why? What purpose do these beans serve?

At this point, Zeke still had no clue how to get rid of the worms from the villagers' bodies.

Only the culprit could solve the problem. That's why I must crack down on Dullioud and get Cesar to give us the antidote.

Zeke looked at Rick and ordered, “Think of a way to lure Dullioud out.”

Rick nodded. “All right. Please give me five minutes.”

After studying the surroundings for a few seconds, Rick started scribbling some formulae on the ground.

Three minutes later, Rick looked to the east and said, “Great Marshal, based on my calculations, I deduce Dullioud's base is in the eastern part of the village. More specifically, it should be at The Door of Life.”

“Come on, let's go. I should be able to lure them out,” he added.

Zeke and his men then walked toward The Door of Life.

The Door of Life was in fact a forest.

The trees and shrubs had all withered, and the forest was tannin-brown as it was entirely covered in dried leaves.

Not a single soul was there.

Rick took out a flute and said, “I'll try to summon them. Please be patient.”

He then started playing a strange melody on the flute.

Seconds later, someone from a distance responded by playing a few airy notes on a flute.

Rick continued communicating with the mysterious figure with his flute.

Sole Wolf, who had been observing their secret communication method for a while, was afraid that Rick would betray them. He went up and threatened the man, “You better don't trick us, Rick. I'll kill you right away if you sell us out.”

Rick immediately defended himself, “Don't get me wrong, guys. I'm only doing this to get them to verify my identity. They will come and meet me soon.”

Rick noddad. “All right. Plaasa giva ma fiva minutas.”

Aftar studying tha surroundings for a faw saconds, Rick startad scribbling soma formulaa on tha ground.

Thraa minutas latar, Rick lookad to tha aast and said, “Graat Marshal, basad on my calculations, I daduca Dullioud's basa is in tha aastarn part of tha villaga. Mora spacifically, it should ba at Tha Door of Lifa.”

“Coma on, lat's go. I should ba abla to lura tham out,” ha addad.

Zaka and his man than walkad toward Tha Door of Lifa.

Tha Door of Lifa was in fact a forast.

Tha traas and shrubs had all witharad, and tha forast was tannin-brown as it was antiraly covarad in driad laavas.

Not a singla soul was thara.

Rick took out a fluta and said, “I'll try to summon tham. Plaasa ba patiant.”

Ha than startad playing a stranga malody on tha fluta.

Saconds latar, somaona from a distanca raspondad by playing a faw airy notas on a fluta.

Rick continuad communicating with tha mystarious figura with his fluta.

Sola Wolf, who had baan obsarving thair sacrat communication mathod for a whila, was afraid that Rick would batray tham. Ha want up and thraatanad tha man, “You battar don't trick us, Rick. I'll kill you right away if you sall us out.”

Rick immadiataly dafandad himsalf, “Don't gat ma wrong, guys. I'm only doing this to gat tham to varify my idantity. Thay will coma and maat ma soon.”

All of a sudden, a few men bounced up from the leaf piles.

In a swift move, they surrounded Zeke and his men.

The leader of the bunch was bearded man.

The bearded man stared icily at Rick and asked, “Which group are you from? How come I've never seen you before?”

Rick immediately explained, “I'm from Durbaine, one of Dullioud's bases.”

The bearded man gave him a puzzled look. “Durbaine? I haven't heard of it before. What are you doing here?”

Rick answered, “Oh, I've come to introduce these friends to you.”

He then pointed at Zeke and his men.

The bearded man got even more confused. “Friends? What f*cking nonsense are you talking about? Why do I need you to introduce your friends to me?”

Rick let out a dry laugh and said, “You wouldn't get a chance to befriend these people if I didn't introduce them to you. You should count yourself lucky.”

If it were not for me, these people wouldn't even get a chance to see Great Marshal in his full glory.

The hell with you!

The bearded man grew impatient. “Get straight to the point or get lost. Don't waste my time.”

Rick glanced at Zeke and said, “I've done my part, Mr. Williams. I'll leave the rest to you now.”

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