Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2255

Chapter 2255

Chapter 2255

He's so strong and powerful!

The villagers finally understood that they would not be able to hurt him even a little no matter how hard they tried.

On the contrary, he could easily finish them off if they kept provoking him.

Zeke yelled at them, “Get lost!”

The powerful energy in his voice scared all of them, and they lost their fighting spirit.

An illusion had occurred in their minds. This is a devil in front of us!

The villagers gave up the idea of attacking Zeke and ran away.

They could finally gasp for air only when they arrived at their village.

A well-behaved little girl was about to run out of the village when she was stopped by a middle-aged woman.

“Nelly, where are you going?”

It was the same girl, Nelly, who had bumped into Zeke the other day, and she had invited him to her house.

Nelly stared at the forest toward the east of the village and said, “Great Marshal Zee is coming. I want

to go and see him.”

The middle-aged lady seemed a little angry. “Nelly, shut up. Don't talk rubbish. If you ever mention those words again, I will give you a beating.”

Nelly felt very indignant. “Mommy, Great Marshal Zee is really there in the forest. I can hear his voice. He has told me that the next time he's here, he will drop by our house. I'm sure he is going to visit us. Just now, I heard Great Marshal Zee's voice, and he sounded very angry. Maybe, he has lost his way and can't find our house.”

Nelly's mom got furious. “If you spout any more rubbish, I'll really pinch your mouth. How can a Great Marshal lose his way!”

However, one of the villagers recalled something and asked the little girl, “Nelly, tell me. What did you hear Great Marshal Zee say?”

With a serious face, Nelly replied, “Just now, Great Marshal Zee told somebody to get lost, but I have no idea who he is talking to!”


When all the villagers heard that, they were dumbfounded.

The man who had just told them to get lost was a tall, thin, and strong man.

Yet, Nelly claimed it was the voice of the Great Marshal.

Does that mean that the tall and thin man is the Great Marshal himself?

No, no, no. That's impossible.

The Great Marshal must be very busy with his official duties and the numerous duties of the state on a daily basis. There was no way he would come to a forsaken place.

Furthermore, it was impossible for Nelly to be able to recognize the Great Marshal's voice.

Although the villagers could see the slight resemblance between the tall, thin man and the painting of the Great Marshal, they felt that it was only a coincidence.

The villagers were trying very hard to convince themselves.

Nelly, on the other hand, still insisted on going to the forest to look for the Great Marshal.

“Mom, please let me go and find Great Marshal Zee. He must be lost. All of us have always worshipped Great Marshal Zee's painting, haven't we? Now that he is here in person, why aren't you welcoming him?”

Nelly's mom berated her, “Shut up! There's no such thing as a Great Marshal! You got it wrong. Come, let's go home!”

With that, Nelly's mom dragged her along.

However, the village chief sensed the matter was much more than meets the eyes.

He immediately called out, “Nelly, stop right there!”

Nelly's mom quickly went over and apologized to Don, “Chief, Nelly is still young and doesn't know what she is talking about. Please forgive her!”

Don walked up to Nelly, got down on his knees, and asked warmly, “Nelly, tell me. How do you know that is Great Marshal Zee's voice?”

With her young and sweet voice, Nelly replied, “I have seen Great Marshal Zee before. Also, he promised to come to my house as my guest. I'm sure that's why he is here.”

Don continued to probe patiently, “Oh, I see. When and where did you meet Great Marshal Zee?”

Nelly answered solemnly, “I saw him in the alley of the village only three days ago. There were also a few formidable-looking generals with Great Marshal Zee too.”


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