Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2278

Chapter 2278

Chapter 2278

“Linton Group is just a tool for me to make money,” Zeke replied. “Money is the one thing I do not lack. I'll be fine with or without Linton Group. Even if we go bankrupt, I will never sell to you.”

Daisy smiled. “You have integrity, Mr. Williams. I like that. Let's see if you're as proud as you are now when the time comes. Here is my business card, by the way. You can contact me whenever you want if you change your mind.”

With a final charming smile, Daisy turned to leave.

Zeke glanced at the business card which indicated that Daisy was the founder of Eminent Group.

“Have you heard Eminent Group?” Zeke asked Lone Wolf.

Lone Wolf looked confused. “Is that a legion or a company, Zeke?”

Having dealt with the military all his life, he was ignorant of the civilian industry.

Zeke grabbed hold of another employee. “Have you heard of Eminent Group?”

“Yes, Mr. Williams,” the employee said. “It's a company that makes leather purses. In fact, they opened a couple of days ago down this very street.”

“A couple of days ago, you say? They didn't exist before then?”

“No, Mr. Williams. Not to my knowledge.”

Zeke smiled grimly.

The establishment of Eminent Group at this juncture is too much of a coincidence. Its sole purpose is probably to annex Linton Group. The mastermind behind Eminent Group must be the culprit!

“Have your men conduct a thorough investigation of Eminent Group and its founder, Sole Wolf,” Zeke ordered. “Report back to me as soon as you find anything.”

Lone Wolf nodded. “Understood, Sir.”

Without daring to delay another moment, he took out his phone and relayed the instructions to his subordinates.

In the meantime, Zeke dialed Lacey's number to ascertain her location.

“I'm at Heartland Hospital, Zeke,” Lacey said. “Come over quickly.”

Zeke felt nervous at the anxious note in her voice. “Is something wrong, Lacey?”

She sighed. “It's Dawnie. She has encountered some trouble, it seems. Come quickly, please. Nancy and I don't know what to do.”

“I'll be right over, Lacey,” Zeke said at once. “Don't worry.”

After hanging up the phone, Zeke made his way to Heartland Hospital as quickly as he could.

Before he arrived, Lacey entered ward 302 with a bag of fruit.

Nancy was fussing over Dawn on the hospital bed when Lacey leaned in to ask in a low voice, “How is Dawnie doing, Nancy?”

Nancy heaved a sigh. “There's been no sign of improvement.”

Lacey's expression grew sadder at the news.

The sound of her pushing the door open had woken up Dawn, who turned her pale face toward her visitor.

“Lacey, Nancy,” she called in a shaky voice, “you should head back to the company. I'll be fine.”

“Just focus on getting better for now, Dawnie,” Lacey said gently. “Don't you worry about anything else at the moment.”

“I'm fine, Lacey,” Dawn murmured. “I've been overworked, that's all. I'll be right as rain again with a little rest. Linton Group is on the verge of bankruptcy. It needs you.”

Lacey smiled bitterly. “We can rebuild the company if we lose it, silly girl. But if anything happens to you, I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive myself.”

“Besides,” she added, “we wouldn't be of any use even if we are there right now. Given the current situation of Linton Group, it wouldn't change a thing even if we were all hands on deck. Don't worry about us or the company. Just focus on getting better.”

Dawn gave up at the sight of Lacey's firmly set jaw. The latter proceeded to peel an apple.

“Here, Dawnie. Have an apple.”

Dawn shook her head. “I have no appetite right now.”

“Have half of it,” Lacey coaxed patiently. “The doctor says it's good for you.”

Dawn reluctantly received the fruit and took a bite.

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