Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2310

Chapter 2310

Chapter 2310

Sole Wolf took a deep breath, inhaling a mouthful of the dusty air. “All right. Please show us the way.”

Crippled Williams regarded the team with a solemn expression. “I'll repeat this one last time. You all must listen to me after we go inside. I will not bear the responsibility if any of you goes the wrong way. Moreover, we may lose our lives should we take the incorrect path.”

Sole Wolf replied, “Sure.”

Crippled Williams added, “If any danger befalls us when we're inside, I advise you all to run for your lives and leave the others behind. If you help the troubled person, both of you will certainly die. However, if one of you focuses on escaping, there may still be a chance to survive.”

Sole Wolf said, “Okay.”

Crippled Williams took a deep breath to brace himself. “All right. Let's go in.”

Walking in the front, he ventured forward slowly and cautiously.

Soon, all of them were engulfed by darkness. Crippled Williams took out his portable torchlight.

Instinctively, Sole Wolf and the others wanted to switch on their torchlight as well.

However, Crippled Williams suddenly yelled, “Stop! Do not turn on the torchlight!”

Sole Wolf and the other team members were puzzled. “Why?”

Crippled Williams answered, “This is the devil's territory. Do you plan to make us an easy target by illuminating all the torch lights and inviting the devil to attack us? It is sufficiently bright by relying only on my torchlight.”

Although Sole Wolf and the others did not believe in the devil's existence, their most urgent task on hand was for Crippled Williams to lead them to Ghoul Cliff so that they could rescue Killer Wolf.

Therefore, they conceded and switched off their torch lights as Crippled Williams had instructed.

They proceeded carefully ahead. After a short while, they reached the first intersection. The cave branched out into four tunnels that would lead them in four different directions.

Crippled Williams went into the tunnel on the leftmost side without hesitation.

The group moved along that tunnel for approximately ten more minutes before arriving at another intersection.

Crippled Williams led them into the second tunnel from the right.

They walked for another thirty minutes and stumbled into seven or eight more intersections.

The number of branching tunnels at the cave junctions was irregular. Some split into four tunnels, while others branched into seven. One could never memorize the correct route without experiencing the journey repetitively.

Sole Wolf's sense of foreboding intensified the further they progressed. He noticed the apparent man- made carving marks on the wall of the cave.

Are these caves sculptured by man instead of being naturally formed?

He expressed the doubt in his mind by voicing, “Crippled Williams, it seems to me that someone created this cave. Who do you think they are, and why did they put so much effort into fashioning such a large construction?”

Crippled Williams replied in annoyance, “How should I know? Anyway, I didn't carve this cave.”

His attitude irritated Sole Wolf, who decided to be patient and tolerant for the sake of locating Killer Wolf as soon as possible.

And so, they proceeded forward while stopping a few times during the journey for around two hours. Finally, they reached a dead end. The path ahead of them was blocked with no other way out.

Sole Wolf and the others began grumbling.

“Hey, what's the matter with you, Crippled Williams? Why is there no more road ahead? Don't tell me you lead us down the wrong way!”

“D*mn it. Do you think you can handle the consequences for impeding our matter?”

Crippled Williams frowned. “How come we took the wrong route? There's no way I would misremember it. You guys wait here for a moment. I'll survey the surroundings.”

With that, he turned on his heels and retraced his steps outward.

Wariness gnawed at Sole Wolf as he stared at Crippled Williams' departing figure from behind.

He suddenly patted his forehead and shouted, “Crippled Williams, stop right there!”

Crippled Williams halted in his tracks, turned his head around, and flashed an evil smirk at Sole Wolf.

Dread surged within Sole Wolf at the sight of Crippled Williams' smile. His heart was in his mouth.


The cave shook terribly all of a sudden. Then, a large boulder fell from above, completely sealing off the tunnel's entrance.

Sole Wolf and the others were trapped inside while Crippled Williams stood outside.

D*mn it!

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