Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2331

Chapter 2331

Chapter 2331

Upon a closer look, they saw Rick and a few Dulliouds surrounding Cesar, beating him up.

While they were beating him up, they were scolding, “B*stard! How dare you come back? You have balls, don't you?”

“You've escaped the last time around, and we didn't get to have our revenge. This time around, for the sake of Dullioud, we're going to kill you!”

“You've turned my family into spider men! I'm going to turn you into a lifeless scarecrow!”

“Beat him up! Beat him to death!”

Cesar's weapons were his cursed parasitic worms.

Since all his cursed parasitic worms and Worm King were dead, Cesar had become an ordinary and defenseless human.

He was pleading for mercy and begging for his life, but his pleas fell on deaf ears.

Evidently, those Dulliouds seemed determined to take his life.

Zeke, Sole Wolf, and the others couldn't help but laugh. Cesar had nearly escaped from us, a group of elite warriors, but he's now getting beaten up by a bunch of thugs! Fate works in funny ways. Sometimes, people of less importance end up getting things done!

Zeke led the others toward the fight.

When Rick saw Zeke, he was stumped, and he wanted to kneel before Zeke.

However, Zeke waved his hands in dismissal and said, “Don't mind me. Go on with what you guys were doing.”

Rick and the others were baffled. What's going on? The last time around, Rick got away, and the Great Marshal didn't punish him. Why is the Great Marshal not stopping us? F*ck it. Revenge is more important now. We better get on with it before the Great Marshal changes his mind.

With those thoughts in their heads, they started beating Cesar up even more heavily. Cesar was heard shrieking in agony.

In the end, he could no longer take the beating anymore. “Zeke, help! Help me! I'm dying! You have a lot of questions, right? I'm the only person with the answers! If you let me die, you'll never have those answers. Stop! Stop beating me up!” he pleaded.

Zeke couldn't care less about Cesar. Let him take a few more punches and kicks so that he'll be cooperative later.

After about five minutes, Cesar began to spew out blood, and he was lying motionlessly on the ground like a dying man. Right then, Zeke told them to stop.

He wasn't going to just let Cesar die.

Rick and the others stopped right away. They were so tired that they were drenched in sweat and panting heavily.

Zeke walked toward Cesar and chuckled coldly. “You wanted to talk, right? Spill it.”

Cesar took a deep breath and coughed out a mouthful of blood. “No! This is unfair! I've spent decades raising Worm King and up to ten thousand cursed parasitic worms. How could you just destroy everything? This is unfair and unjust!”

Zeke answered coldly, “As long as I'm still in Eurasia, justice will definitely be served. It's just a matter of time! Your cursed parasitic worms deserved to die! You deserve to die as well! For everything you've done, you deserve all kinds of torment and punishment! However, I can tell that you're afraid of pain. Hence, I can sentence you to Cygnus Room so that you'll feel all kinds of torments. By then, you'll beg for death! Now, I'm going to give you a chance. Tell me everything you know, and I shall kill you right away without torturing you!”

Cesar stared at Zeke in fear. He's capable of sending me to a fate worse than death.

Knowing that he would die regardless, Cesar would rather die right there and then.

Hence, he was getting ready to bite his own tongue to commit suicide.

However, to his surprise, he had lost control of his jaws, and he couldn't close his mouth. What the f*ck?

Zeke sneered. “Did you want to commit suicide? Dream on!”

While trembling in fear, Cesar stammered, “T-This is your doing?”

“Of course,” Zeke answered.

Zeke had used his energy to control Cesar's chin.

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