Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2368

Chapter 2368

Chapter 2368

“Mm.” Zeke extinguished his cigarette and headed to the big chair clearly meant for the boss of the company. “Get up.”

“Okay, okay.” Tavian promptly stood up and followed behind Zeke, his body half bent.

Even when Zeke had sat on the chair, Tavian was still standing in a bowing posture next to the former like a subordinate.

Grayson, Lenard, and the others were all dumbfounded. Holy sh*t. My eyes are working fine, right? What kind of joke is this? Our boss is the great Mr. Tavian! Someone the people in the underworld treat as a deity! And yet here he is, bowing before him and acting like a loyal dog. Who the f*ck is he?

The crowd started to experience a headache because they realized they had messed with the wrong person.

Lenard straight up fainted out of fear.

As for Grayson, his legs turned to jelly, and he kneeled on the ground.

“I heard you called yourself a superhero, Tavvy,” Zeke asked.

Tavian shook in fear. “A-Are you making fun of me, Zeke? There's no way I'd call myself a superhero with you around. That's just what my friends in the underworld call me. No need to pay attention to that.”

Friends in the underworld? Zeke's gaze turned sharper. “You're dealing with the underworld now?”

Tavian was scared out of his mind by Zeke's terrifying look and kneeled on the ground. “It's a misunderstanding, Zeke! You have no idea how chaotic the underworld in this city is. The people there are willing to commit countless heinous crimes. Not only that, they have connections with the higher- ups. No one can put a leash on them. The public security here is a mess. It's like stepping into the last century. People from the underworld harass us occasionally, so I have to deal with them. After interacting with them for a while, I saw their dark side. They have done many unspeakable things. As you know, I'm someone who values justice very much. I can't stand by and watch people who need help struggle. Naturally, I couldn't ignore the crimes they committed, so I infiltrated the underworld and successfully conquered them. After that was done, I punished the evilest criminals first. Then I shut down all illegal establishments and put an end to stuff like protection fees as well as debt collecting. Lastly, I invested in many legitimate businesses and sent those who were not thrown into jail to work there. Now, there's not much of an underworld left. It has been thoroughly integrated into the business industry.”

“Is what you're saying true?” Zeke raised his eyebrows.

“You know me, Zeke. I would never lie to you. If you don't believe me, just ask the people around. They're grateful for my hard work and call me an agent of justice.”

Zeke knew what Tavian was saying was ninety-nine percent true. “I'll send someone to investigate if this is true. If it is, I'll reward you. If not, punishment awaits you. Now, let's talk about Redwood Capital.”

“What's going on with Redwood Capital, Zeke?”

“I founded the company to help local businesses, not to generate profit. But the current Redwood Capital has put profit above all else and become a tool of revenge for someone. The people who work

here accept bribes and abuse their power. Why would I want that kind of Redwood Capital?”

Seeing that Zeke was truly angry, Tavian, his face pale, fell to his knees once more. “I deserve to be punished! I deserve to die! It's my fault for not doing a good job. Please, punish me! You know that I'm really only good at fighting. When you told me to use my brain to take care of Redwood Capital, you put me in a difficult spot. I had no idea how to take care of a business, so I just let Grayson and the others manage the company. However, while I asked them to run the company, I am still the one responsible. Please punish me. Also, when you mentioned bribery and abuse of power, what specifically are you referring to?”


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