Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2386

Chapter 2386

Chapter 2386

Zeke glanced at Tavian. “Let's begin. I can't waste any more time.”

“Okay,” Tavian responded briefly.

Everyone felt as though their hearts were about to leap out of their chests. After all, even a fool knew what Zeke meant when he said that.

Clearly, it was time to begin judging them.

Tavian eyed Martin, saying, “You're impressive, Martin. I heard you shouting at Zeke when I was standing outside. The nerve of you to speak to Zeke like that.”

Martin was so frightened that his legs went weak and he fell to his knees. “I'm sorry, Mr. Tavian. I was wrong. I'll punish myself as an apology to Mr. Williams. Mr. Williams, please be merciful and forgive me. I really had no idea you were acquainted with Mr. Tavian.”

Tavian snorted. “It's too late to regret your actions. You should've known.”

Martin continued pleading.

Unfazed, Tavian said coldly, “Martin, you bribed a leader of the housing bureau and won a government project. After that, you turned it into a jerry-built building that cost about eight people's lives. During the police investigation, you bribed another public officer to get yourself out of trouble. Surely you still remember this incident?”

Martin's mind went blank.

Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t! How did Mr. Tavian find out about this? I made sure all of that was done carefully. No one except those who were involved knew about it. Just exactly how powerful is Mr. Tavian? How is he able to get so much information?

That crime itself was enough to destroy his entire life.

Martin was so terrified that he did not dare to look Tavian in the eye. With a trembling voice, the former said, “Mr. Tavian, y-you must be joking. How could it be real? I wouldn't do such a thing even if I had the guts to.”

“Oh, really? Looks like you refuse to admit, eh?” Tavian smirked. “Come in.”

A large group of people suddenly rushed in.

Hearing the commotion, everyone shifted their attention to the entrance.

Martin was devastated the second he saw who the newcomers were.

They were the family members of the victims of the jerry-built building incident.

As soon as they entered, they started scolding Martin.

“Martin, you're a murderer!”

“Sir, you've got to seek justice for us. Back then, this person sent our family members to their deaths just for money.”

“He's a criminal! Every cent he earns is stained with innocent people's blood.”

“Martin, I want you to pay for all the sins you've committed!”

Martin did not hear what the others said after that because he was too overwhelmed. His ears were buzzing, and he was feeling dizzy.

Tavian snorted and took out a stack of documents. “Kamden Wyatt, get your ass out here.”

A grey-haired man stepped out tremblingly. “Mr. Tavian, I—”

Tavian cut him off, “Kamden, do you still need me to announce your crimes?”

Tears started flowing down Kamden's cheeks. “Mr. Tavian, I'm wrongly accused. I've been innocent all my life. I've never done anything wrong. You—”

Tavian laughed aloud. “Very well, you old geezer. Looks like you're more thick-skinned than Martin here. How dare you call yourself innocent? Are you not going to tell us about how you were determined to kill someone back then? During the construction project of Heavenly Sound Hotel, you pushed one collaborator off the stairs to get his project fund. You even forged evidence to make it an accident when, in fact, you murdered someone. That's worse than Martin's actions.”

Kamden paled instantly.

How did Mr. Tavian find out about such things? This is crazy!

Tavian continued shouting, “Samson Lane, come out and receive your punishment! Rocco Walsh, let's talk about your crimes.”

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