Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2396

Chapter 2396

Chapter 2396

The staff was excited that they could finally go back to work again.

Nancy and Zeke were there on that important day as well.

The two of them sat in the front row, waiting for the ceremony to begin.

When it was about time, Lacey turned to Nancy and said, “I'll go onstage to give the opening speech now. Nancy, as the pioneer in this company, you'll be next. Do you want to give a short speech as well, Zeke?”

Zeke shook his head. “No, it's not necessary.”


With that, Lacey turned to walk onto the stage. However, Nancy stopped her and said, “Wait a moment. Let's wait a little longer.”

Lacey looked at Nancy and asked curiously, “What's wrong? Why do we have to wait? The staff is waiting to get back to work!”

“Our VIP is not here yet,” Nancy replied.

“VIP? Who's so important, Nancy? Can't we go ahead without the VIP? As you know, time is money for us! Every minute delay is going to cost Linton Group!” Lacey argued.

“She's the true pioneer of Linton Group, and even more senior than I am in this company! Do you think

such a person is not important?” Nancy said.

“More senior than you? Who can that be?” Lacey was wondering when she heard a bell-like voice coming from the direction of the main entrance.

“Wow, what's the occasion? Why is everyone gathered here?”

Everyone turned in the direction of the door and found a slender, pretty girl standing by the door, her smiling eyes glancing around in wonder.

She was gorgeous. Other than Lacey, all the ladies paled in comparison, and many of the men could not take their eyes off her.

It was Dawn!

Lacey was elated to see Dawn. She ran up to her, held her hands tightly, and started scrutinizing her from head to toe.

“Oh, Dawnie, you're back! I missed you so much!”

Lacey had a nagging worry for Dawn since she was brought back to Muraco by White.

It was a relief to see her back, safe and sound.

Dawn had an added ethereal aura about her, proof that she had a good time in Muraco.

“I missed you so much too, Lacey! I was worried the burden of managing Linton Group is going to wear you down! Looks like the crisis is over though,” Dawn said.

Lacey nodded and said, “Sort of.”

“Dawnie! How's life in Muraco?” Nancy came over to greet Dawn as well.

“It's okay. But I really don't fancy this attire! It's too old-fashioned!” Dawn complained, pointing to the traditional costume of the Muraco Clan that she was wearing.

“I thought it looks good on you and enhances your beauty!” Nancy complimented.

“Oh, you like it, Nancy? Why don't we swap, then?” Dawn proposed.

Nancy smilingly agreed, “Sure! No problem!”

Lacey had to step in and said, “Okay, let's talk about this later. We've got to begin our re-opening ceremony!”

“Wait a minute! Let me present you with a gift before you go onto the stage!”

“What gift?” Lacey asked.

Dawn gave her a secretive smile, then snapped her fingers.

Instantly, a flutter of colorful worms swarmed over to Lacey and surrounded her, forming a heart shape on her.

It was a wondrous and spectacular sight!

Lacey was a little scared of those worms, so she nervously asked, “What's this for, Dawnie?”

Dawn proudly announced, “Don't belittle these tiny creatures, Lacey. These are aegis worms. White and I researched and bred them. They will protect you with their lives! Last night, White told me it had a premonition that you would face some trouble soon, so we experimented and bred these aegis worms to protect you!”

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