Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2457

Chapter 2457

Chapter 2457

Zeke helped Frank up. “Mr. Martell, there's no need for such courtesy.”

Zeke was quite respectful toward intellectuals, for he knew that soldiers alone could not make Eurasia a great country—intellectuals were the ones who kept the country functioning.

Once their country reached a certain amount of technological power, no enemies would dare to cross them. By then, they would not even need soldiers.

“Thank you, Great Marshal!”

Frank then slowly straightened up, but still, he dared not look Zeke in the eyes as he kept his head lowered.

Frank was confounded. He could not fathom why the Great Marshal had come to their university.

Is he here for inspection? No, that's nonsense. How can he be here to inspect alone? Moreover, he's a busy man. How would he have the time to check this university?

Zeke uttered, “Mr. Martell, I'm here to investigate two students. One is called Yannick Lewis, and the other is called Yoshua Lewis. They graduated from the university two years ago.”

Frank nodded vigorously. “Okay, please wait in my office for a while, Great Marshal. I'll send my men to find their files right away.”

“Okay,” Zeke politely replied. “Please make it as quick as possible, Mr. Martell. It's quite an urgent matter.”

“Of course,” Frank responded before running to the archive room.

In the meantime, Zeke went to Frank's office to rest.

Not long after, Frank ran back, panting. “Great Marshall, I... I just checked the university's digital archives and physical archives, but I... I can't find their files at all.”

“They have no files?” Zeke furrowed his brows. “What do you mean?”

Frank responded, “That means the two people you told me about aren't students of my university.”

That's impossible! Zeke mulled.

He took out the files they had left in Linton Group and said, “Look. Is the university they wrote on their resumes your university?”

Frank put on his reading glasses and began studying them. “Yes, they did write our university's name. The only possible explanation for this is that the information here is fake. It says that they were in the fourth year's Class Four. I'll call the tutor of the fourth year's Class Four to find out more about this.”

With that, Frank took out his phone and made a call.

Once he hung up the call, he shook his head at Zeke. “Great Marshall, I'm really sorry to tell you this, but the tutor of Class Four told me that he hasn't had these two students.”

All of a sudden, a thought popped into Zeke's head, and he promptly asked, “Is it possible that they've pulled strings to get the graduation certificate from this university without actually studying here? Find out right away if your university has awarded Yannick and Yoshua graduation certificates.”


Frank quickly made a call to the archive room.

Soon, the archive room's staff answered his question.

Once Frank heard the answer, the veins on his temple popped. “D*mn it! D*mn this! What in the world is the board doing? How can they make such a rookie mistake?”

Zeke instantly knew that something was fishy at Frank's response.

He asked, “Mr. Martell, what's going on?”

Frank remorsefully replied, “My apologies, Great Marshal. I've looked into it, and it's true that the university had awarded Yannick Lewis and Yoshua Lewis graduation certificates. This is a mistake our university has made, and we're willing to accept the punishment.”

“So that means they didn't study at your university but managed to pull strings and get the graduation certificates?”

Frank inclined his head. “That seems to be the case right now.”

Zeke then fell silent in contemplation.

Yannick and Yoshua must have gotten these graduation certificates to join the Linton Group and execute their plan. But we're in an age of technology. It's immensely difficult to get certificates via connections. So they'd need to be close with the ones they're asking a favor from.

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