Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2499

Chapter 2499

Chapter 2499

Daley burst out laughing. “Is it not spiritual water? Hahaha! You're making me laugh so hard! I can't believe you've mixed up spiritual water and dew! You're all clowns!”

Then, Megahead muttered, “This isn't just a drop. It's... six?”

Zeke nodded. “That's right.”


Daley was not the only one astounded by Megahead's words. The others were equally shocked as they whipped their heads in Zeke and Megahead's direction.

Even the three people who had eaten Phagos' body and were napping shot upright and stared at the scene in astonishment.

Six drops? That's impossible, isn't it? They're a small team situated in the outermost ring. There's no way that much spiritual water will appear in a limited space.

Not even Megahead had ever seen someone who had found six drops of spiritual water.

Daley quickly said, “Megahead, you must have made a mistake. How could they possibly have collected six drops of spiritual water? Please check it again.”

Frankly, Megahead was starting to wonder if he had made a mistake. Thus, he quickly opened the bottle to check its content carefully.

The results stunned him.

Indeed, there were six drops of spiritual water in the bottle, and they were even better quality than usual.

Megahead beamed. “Good job, young man. I underestimated you all. You've really gotten six drops of spiritual water. Congratulations, you've broken the record.”

The rest were even more flabbergasted after hearing Megahead's confirmation.

Yannick and Yannick were staring at Zeke in confusion.

Zeke had not been putting in much effort in searching earlier. All he did was mindlessly run around a few spots.

Could it be that he found a drop of spiritual water in every spot he went to? What nonsense is that? But how would you explain these six drops of spiritual water? One drop was found by Minerva, and Zeke found the rest.

Nevertheless, Daley refused to believe it. “They must be fake. They must be! Megahead, check it again...”

Megahead shot Daley a glare. “Are you doubting my ability to identify spiritual water?”

“I wouldn't dare to!” Daley quickly shook his head. “I know! They must have stolen them from the others. Spill! How many people did you kill today?”

Zeke told him, “We collected these ourselves; we didn't steal them.”

“Bullsh*t!” Daley swore. “Even experienced people like us can never collect six drops of spiritual water, so how can rookies like you do it? You must have killed others to get these.”

Just then, Megahead uttered, “Even if they killed others to get the spiritual water, they did it with their own ability. What's the matter, Daley? Are you going to stand up for the victims?”


Daley was rendered speechless.

Megahead's right. So what if they killed someone to get these? It's a lawless land here. Spiritual water is everything. Moreover, it's not as if I haven't killed people for this.

At that moment, Daley felt humiliated.

He had just been laughing at how Minerva was providing for three men, but they soon proved him wrong. Alas, Daley realized he was the one who brought this upon himself.

Hence, he quickly scurried off to avoid hearing Minerva mock him.

In the meantime, Megahead gave the entire box of food to Zeke. “I don't have much, but they're all yours. I'll exchange more food for you next time.”

Zeke said nothing much to that as he had Yannick and Yoshua move the food to their territory.

When Zeke opened the box, he found that there were only ten buns left inside.

He then said to Minerva and the others, “You all can eat first.”

Yannick and Yoshua were starving, so they immediately began shoving the buns into their mouths.

On the other hand, Minerva bowed respectfully at Zeke and uttered, “Master, eat first. I'll eat your leftovers.”

All of a sudden, Minerva recalled how Zeke had told her to throw the tree bark away and reassured her that she would not need to worry about food from then on. Back then, she had mocked him in her head for his ignorance of Theos Island's cruelty.

Now, she realized that she might have been too shallow and judged him wrongly.

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