Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2546

Chapter 2546

Chapter 2546

She could sense a warrior's aura from him, one that was enough to give her a sense of security.

Can Apollyon turn the tide today?

Anticipation began to swell within her.

If he wins, we can live out our lives in peace. If he loses, it's no big deal. Failing to be together in life, we can still be a couple in death.

Apollyon approached Calix step by step.

With his face filled with disdain, Calix mocked, “Haha, your last-minute efforts are not going to save you. Today, your life will end one way or another. Now die!”

With no time to waste on Apollyon, Calix decided to end the battle quickly.

As he dashed toward Apollyon, the latter responded head-on with an equally ferocious charge.

With that, both of them clashed in the most primordial manner.


At the crack of a thunderous sound, Apollyon was thrown back by ten steps while Calix, too, backpedaled the same distance.


The sound of the crowd catching their breaths echoed in every direction.

Within the span of a few minutes, Apollyon was capable of holding his ground against Calix after the latter was given guidance by Zeke.

The turn of events filled everyone with disbelief. Even Calix couldn't help but give due respect.

“Good! Wonderful! Apollyon, you truly are a rare and talented martial artist. After just reaching the level of an Archduke, you have managed to unlock seven and a half acupoints. I don't deny that it's an impressive feat, but you're still no match for me due to your inferior technique. Now, let's go again!”

Calix was already raring to launch another attack as he couldn't wait to eradicate Apollyon any longer.

Apollyon is more talented than me when it comes to martial arts. Now that his skill is fast approaching mine, it's a matter of time before he surpasses me. When that happens, there's no way he's going to let me live. Hence, I have to kill him before that day arrives.

As for Apollyon, he, too, had resolved to end Calix's life.

Over the last five years, nary a moment went by without him thinking of killing the latter. Therefore, now that the opportunity had presented itself, there was no way he would pass it up.

With that, both of them engaged in further battle.

But this time, instead of attacking his opponent head-on, Calix chose a more technical approach.

Since his physical advantage wasn't significant, he had to leverage his rich battle experience and knowledge of techniques.

A factor that influenced his decision was that Apollyon had just achieved the rank of an Archduke and hadn't had the opportunity to train in the corresponding techniques. Consequently, the latter would suffer when in a competition of fighting techniques.

Just as expected, Apollyon was put at a disadvantage the moment the battle began.

In spite of that, the intensity of the battle wasn't diminished at all.

As the brutal battle raged on, it stirred up so much sand and gravel that both men were engulfed in a cloud of dust, hiding them from the spectators' view.

Just when everyone marveled at how fierce the battle was, a figure was suddenly thrown out of the battleground.

When the anxious crowd took a closer look, they realized it was none other than Apollyon.

Upon crashing onto the ground, the pale-looking Apollyon threw up a mouthful of blood, a sign that he was injured again.

The cloud of dust gradually dissipated.

Standing still at the center of the field, Calix exuded a domineering aura.

With an icy look in his eyes, he threw Apollyon a glance. “Ha! You're just too weak. Today will be the day you breathe your last!”

Just like an angry beast, the furious Apollyon roared, “I'm not dead yet, nor have I been defeated. Let's continue!”

Driven by a surge of energy that came out of nowhere, Apollyon leaped into the air to attack Calix.

However, Calix—with a disdainful scoff—unleashed a palm strike to send Apollyon flying.

Little did he expect Apollyon to have no intention of counterattacking. Instead, the latter allowed his palm to land heavily on the shoulder.

Seizing upon the opportunity, Apollyon grabbed Calix by the waist to anchor himself from being sent flying.


With Apollyon clinging onto him, the infuriated Calix raised his hand to strike again.

Despite vomiting another mouthful of blood, Apollyon desperately endured the pain and used the opening to bite Calix.


Calix cried out in agonized pain. “You f*cking dog, let go of me!”

What was meant to be a battle between Archdukes had descended into a biting match, shocking the spectators.

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