Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2558

Chapter 2558

Chapter 2558

Scar Face answered respectfully, “How can I be of help, Ms. Phoenix? I will expend my utmost effort to complete the task you have given me.”

Phoenix uttered, “Get close to Declan and observe him secretly. Let me know right away if he meets with any suspicious people or does anything else unusual.”

Scar Face nodded. “Okay, Ms. Phoenix! I will surely complete my task!”

He was in high spirits. I didn't expect to receive such an important task so soon after joining. I might get to replace Declan as Phoenix's trusted aide if I successfully complete this task.

Phoenix said, “Mhm. Go ahead. Don't disappoint me.”

Scar Face left.

There was a reason why Phoenix selected Scar Face to carry out this mission.

Since Scar Face was an outsider and had no devotion to Phoenixion, Declan's defenses against him should be at the lowest.

Phoenix kept herself busy. She summoned two of her man to accompany her to Zeke's Centuria to find out the truth.

At the same time, the people in Zeke's base had almost cleaned up the abandoned base. They all found a spot to rest and sleep, leaving only over twenty people stationed for guarding.

In the southwestern direction, three of the guards yawned relentlessly.

A tall, thin guard stated, “I can take watch while you two get some rest. You guys can take over me later.”

“All right!”

The other two guards did not turn down his offer, and they lay down and closed their eyes to get some rest.

A figure in white, however, came from above and landed in front of the two guards who just began resting on the ground.

The saber in his hand slashed a furry of strikes before his feet touched the ground.

The two guards' necks were severed immediately. Blood was splattering profusely, and not a sound was made.

The figure in white struck the back of the head of the awake guard. The guard's vision turned dark, and he passed out.

In the blink of an eye, the figure in white disappeared into thin air while carrying the unconscious guard.

The movements of the figure in white were too quick. Everything had happened in a flash of lightning, and the awake guard did not even have time to react.

The figure in white was none other than Platinum.

Naturally, Platinum would sow discord between both sides, and not just one.

The unconscious guard vaguely felt an icy cold sensation burning his face.

In shock, he opened his eyes to see a figure in white dumping cold water over his face from a basin.

He shouted out in terror, “Help! Help me!”

The figure in white chuckled coldly. “Shut your mouth. I will kill you now if you shout again.”

The guard hastily zipped his mouth.

This man really dares to kill people, and he killed my two colleagues just now. He's not only ruthless but also quick and super-powerful. I'm not his match.

As the guard was unable to escape, he could only grovel on the ground and beg the man to let him go.

“Please, I beg you. Please spare me. My child can't lose me as he's still little. Please...”

Platinum snorted coldly. “Do you want to live?”

The guard nodded instantly. “Yes! I want to live.”

Platinum responded, “You must follow my instructions if you want to live.”

“Yes. Yes. Yes!”

The guard replied immediately, “I can do anything you want me to do as long as you spare my life.”

Platinum asked, “Okay. Who killed your two comrades?”

The guard thought for a moment before replying, “T-They... ended their lives themselves!”

Platinum stated, “You're wrong. They were killed by a lady clad in tight-fitting black leather attire.”

A woman in tight-fitting black suit?

The guard questioned, “Who's that?”

Platinum stated, “You don't have to know who it is. You just have to follow my instructions.”

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