Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2562

Chapter 2562

Chapter 2562

“Common sense dictates that the mastermind is instigating us into starting a war, putting him in an advantageous position. He wants us to suffer heavy losses, so we will do precisely what he wants, and he will show himself sooner or later,” Zeke elaborated.

Are you dumb?

Phoenix made an affronted expression. “That's a terrible idea. I didn't come from a long line of history to be bait for a single person. Am I supposed to rebuild my army? What if he conquers my army? What, then? Tears wouldn't help me at that point.”

Zeke was at a loss for words. “Are you pulling my leg, or do you really not get what I'm saying? We're obviously not going to put up a real fight. It's all for a show, and we'll fabricate a false appearance of a great loss. How about this? Tonight you'll lead a team to ambush me, and we'll battle each other while our men pretend to be wounded or dead. If everything goes according to plan, the mastermind will reveal themselves tonight or tomorrow. The truth will become clear by that time.”

She nodded. “You're right. Very well then, the sneak attack is scheduled for tonight, so make your preparations accordingly.”

“Let's put on a convincing show,” he said.

“How?” she asked.

His gaze flitted to the two subordinates standing behind her. “These two will have to stay with me and do a little more work.”

“Why are you holding my men hostage?” Phoenix was wary.

Zeke explained patiently, “In actuality, these two are killed by me, and we have reached an untenable position. This will be a justifiable reason for tonight's ambush, and no one will suspect we're staging a performance.”

“That makes sense. Okay, let's do as you say.” She offered a nod.

She ordered her subordinates, “You're both dead men now. Why aren't you lying on the ground? You must remain motionless like corpses before the plan is a success.”


Both of them immediately collapsed on the ground and closed their eyes, not moving a muscle.

Then, Phoenix suddenly slammed her fist into Zeke. “Go to hell, you jerk!”


Fortunately, he blocked her attack deftly and pretended she had sent him sailing in the air.

In reality, her attack was merely a tickle to him, but he didn't want her to know his true capabilities, so he feigned a reaction.

Phoenix barged out of the door and roared, “Zeke, you dared to touch my men? That's it! There can only be you or me on Theos Island!”

Then, she quickly took her leave.

Zeke was dumbstruck. She may be dense, but her acting skills are decent.

He thought they were really turning on each other for a second there.

Apollyon and everyone present watched with their hearts pounding.

They recognized it was a divisive strategy and had hoped Zeke would resolve the misunderstanding. Having more enemies would put them at a disadvantage here.

To their surprise, not only did Zeke not smooth things over, but he had killed Phoenix's subordinates.

This means trouble. Our Centuria may become the subject of public criticism.

Apollyon looked at Zeke and asked, “Mr. Williams, should we go after her?”

Getting rid of Phoenix would dismantle her Centuria, preventing her people from attacking them.

Zeke shook his head. “Forget about it. Let her go. I've taught her a lesson, so she wouldn't come back here again.”

All right!

Apollyon heaved a rueful sigh. “Mr. Williams, I think Phoenix wouldn't let this go easily and will strike back. What should we do next?”


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