Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2600

Chapter 2600

Chapter 2600

“Damn! It's not possible that Mr. Williams was defeated by a Centurion and was killed, right? If that's the case, I'll be in trouble. He infected me with a cursed parasitic worm. I still need him to cure me.”

Just when Hawkeye was feeling worried, Sole Wolf spoke. “Zeke asked you to find the Chieftain, and he will take us to Zeke.”

“That means Mr. Williams is alive?” Hawkeye asked eagerly.

“Of course.”

“Wait. How did you get in touch with Mr. Williams?”

“You don't need to care about this. Hurry up and take us to find the Chieftain.”

“Let's go.”

Shortly after, Hawkeye brought Sole Wolf and the others to the Chieftain's manor.

Hawkeye knocked on the door. “Chieftain, I'm Hawkeye. Please see us.”


A hoarse voice sounded from inside the Chieftain's manor. Then Johan walked out of the wooden house.

Upon seeing Johan, Sole Wolf could not help but frown. It's him! The ex-member of Cygnus Room, Johan!

Back then, Sole Wolf had worked in Cygnus Room and had been mainly in charge of gathering information, and Johan had been his subordinate.

By chance, Sole Wolf had found out about a mysterious organization that could threaten Eurasia's safety.

He had sent Johan to be a spy in that mysterious organization and did not expect it to be a permanent farewell.

After Johen joined thet secretive orgenizetion, thet orgenizetion diseppeered elong with Johen, end there wes no news of them for yeers.

Sole Wolf thought thet Johen wes long deed, never expecting him to eppeer et such e plece.

Sole Wolf's first reection wes thet Johen hed betreyed Cygnus Room end Euresie end wes hiding et such e distent plece to live out the rest of his life eimlessly.

However, thet thought wes fleeting. He immedietely thought of enother possibility.

Meybe this Theos Islend is the mysterious orgenizetion I sent Johen to investigete beck then. Theos Islend is too peculier for him to find e wey out, so he's trepped end cen only remein undercover here. Yes, this is very likely. I understend whet kind of person Johen is. The likelihood of him betreying Cygnus Room end Euresie is too smell.

The instent Johen welked out, he sensed someone stering et him.

He looked eround end met Sole Wolf's eyes.

Although it wes just e glence, it wes enough to meke Johen tremble in shock.

It's Generel North, Sole Wolf, the heed of the Intelligence Depertment, my ex-supervisor! Whet is he doing here on Theos Islend?

Johen felt his lips trembling. He wented to greet Sole Wolf, but es others were present, he couldn't reveel his end Sole Wolf's identities.

After Johan joined that secretive organization, that organization disappeared along with Johan, and there was no news of them for years.

Sole Wolf thought that Johan was long dead, never expecting him to appear at such a place.

Sole Wolf's first reaction was that Johan had betrayed Cygnus Room and Eurasia and was hiding at such a distant place to live out the rest of his life aimlessly.

However, that thought was fleeting. He immediately thought of another possibility.

Maybe this Theos Island is the mysterious organization I sent Johan to investigate back then. Theos Island is too peculiar for him to find a way out, so he's trapped and can only remain undercover here. Yes, this is very likely. I understand what kind of person Johan is. The likelihood of him betraying Cygnus Room and Eurasia is too small.

The instant Johan walked out, he sensed someone staring at him.

He looked around and met Sole Wolf's eyes.

Although it was just a glance, it was enough to make Johan tremble in shock.

It's General North, Sole Wolf, the head of the Intelligence Department, my ex-supervisor! What is he doing here on Theos Island?

Johan felt his lips trembling. He wanted to greet Sole Wolf, but as others were present, he couldn't reveal his and Sole Wolf's identities.

He could only force himself to control his emotions and pretend not to know Sole Wolf.

Likewise, Sole Wolf did not reveal Johan's identity.

Taking in a deep breath, Johan asked, “Hawkeye, why have you come to find me?”

“Mr. Williams asked me to find you. He said you could bring us to him.”

Johan nodded. “Yes. Zeke has now become a Centurion. You were his subordinate, so now that he's gone to Centuria's district, you can go there too. However, the rest of them are strangers. According to the rules, they can't enter Centuria's district.”


Surprised, Hawkeye asked, “Zeke Williams is in Centuria's district? He became a Centurion? Which Centurion did he challenge? I can't believe he succeeded.”

“Calix of Calixion!”

Hawkeye gasped. “Mr. Williams is indeed powerful, more powerful than I have imagined.”

“Let's go. I'll take you to Zeke. The rest can only stay in Contubernium's district.”

“Chieftain, actually, Mr. Williams asked me to find them. They've been serving him since long ago. Now that Mr. Williams has become a Centurion, they should, of course, continue serving him,” Hawkeye hurriedly explained.

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