Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 543

Chapter 543

Chapter 543

However, they were impressed and felt great because Zeke managed to send the security guard flying with a kick.

Nonetheless, the old woman got anxious and tried to chase Zeke out of the hospital immediately. “Young man, please leave me alone and take your leave as soon as possible...”

The nurse rushed over and got in their way immediately. She yelled angrily, “Who gave you the audacity to make a move against one of our employees in the hospital? I won’t allow anyone of you to leave today.”

The security guard who was now in a pitiful state yelled as well, “Everyone, gather around immediately and avenge me.”

Before long, the security guards that were dispatched all over the hospital rushed over. There was a total of eight of them.

They were dumbfounded when they saw how miserable their captain was. “Sir, who was the one who had made a move against you?”

The beaten-up security guard pointed at Zeke and yelled, “It’s this jerk. Do me a favor and cripple him now!”

The eight security guards turned around and glared at Zeke. “It seems like you have a death wish, huh? rush him! We have to avenge the captain!”

Just as they were about to fight Zeke, Someone yelled and stopped the security guards, “Hold it right


Everyone turned towards the source of the sound. They realized the director of Griffin General Hospital had made his way downstairs.

The onlookers got anxious on Zeke’s behalf once again because they knew the director was affiliated with those from the underworld and the upper echelon.

They knew what fate would await Zeke should the director decide to take the matter into his hands.

Meanwhile, the security guard was beyond delighted when he saw the director and he yelled, “Sir, he’s here to mess with us. I tried to stop him, but he beat me up without any solid reasons. You have to do me justice.”

When the onlookers heard the security guard’s words, they took Zeke’s side and tried to persuade the director.

“Sir, please don’t listen to him. He was the one who had made a move against the patient in the first place. This young man had offered his help because he couldn’t stand the security guard’s action anymore.”

“He’s right. Your guard was the one who made the first move. The young man was merely trying to defend himself.”

Nonetheless, the director paid no heed to their words at all. He rushed over to Zeke’s side instead.

Everyone felt bad for Zeke deep down. God bless you, young man. I’m afraid there’s nothing else we can do for you.

Meanwhile, the bunch of security guards had smug smiles etched on their faces as they prepared themselves, awaiting the order from the director to take Zeke out.

However, what happened the next moment left everyone dumbfounded.

The director of the hospital bowed in the presence of Zeke and greeted him politely, “Dr. Williams, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you at all. I must have not disciplined my staff enough. Don’t worry. I will deal with them accordingly today.”

In fact, the director of the hospital could vividly recall the young man in front of him.

He was none other than Dr. Williams who had turned the tide of the battle during the TCM Association Forum when the TCM practitioners were provoked by one of the Western doctors.

In the end, Dr. Williams managed to save a vegetative patient and defended the dignity of TCM practitioners. Consequently, the Western doctor admitted defeat.

The Western doctor honored his promise and published an official apology in the International Medical Journal for three consecutive days. The TCM practitioners had never been so proud before.

As a matter of fact, Shawn, the director of the TCM practitioners, offered Zeke his position in return for his contribution towards the TCM practitioners.

However, Zeke turned him down without any hesitation.

Obviously, the director of Griffin General Hospital couldn’t possibly offend Zeke since he was such a skilled doctor apart from being acquainted with Shawn.

The onlookers were dumbfounded as well.

Am I seeing things? Did the director of Griffin General Hospital apologize to this young man? It seems like this young man has a prominent background as well, huh?

It turns out he ain’t being arrogant at all! He knew what he was getting himself involved in all along! If that’s the case, I guess we’re the ones at fault.

As for the security guards, their faces turned pale all of a sudden.

Damn it! Why on earth is the director behaving in such a polite manner in front of this young man?

If even the director has to please the young man, we can’t possibly offend him.

It seems like we have accidentally messed up big time this time!

Finally, Zeke cast a contemptuous gaze at the director. “You’re the director of the hospital?” novelbin

In return, the director nodded immediately. “Yes. That’s me.”

“Mm. If that’s the case, please terminate the operation of your hospital immediately. The service of your hospital isn’t necessary anymore,” instructed Zeke.

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