Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 635

Chapter 635

Chapter 635

Despite the sight in front of her, Shannon still did not believe Zeke’s words.

With desperate eyes, she looked towards Master Healer Lowe and asked, “Master Healer Lowe, w-- what is going on?”

Much to everyone’s surprise, even Master Healer Lowe panicked and was at a loss.

“This is impossible. There is no way this could have happened. I have been doing this for many years and have never witnessed something as unusual as this,” He remarked.

“Vomiting blood, losing blood, dilated pupils, even the parasite is discharged...”

“The pupils, the pupils!”

In a hurry, Master Healer Lowe pulled apart the patient’s eyelids and observed his pupils.

“Ah! It’s all true! All true!”

All of the patient’s symptoms were accurately described by Zeke earlier.

Master Healer Lowe’s legs turned into jelly, and he fell onto the chair behind.

Could that man really be so capable? He even knew it was a parasite found in wild cordyceps!

Or could this all just be a coincidence?

But how could there be so many coincidences in the medical field?

If I were to believe that I would just be lying to myself.

I have to accept this harsh reality! It’s all right in front of me!

I have lost to a young man!

Loudly, he shouted, “Hurry! Get that young man in here! Now!”

Everyone’s heart skipped a beat and trembled in shock.

Even Master Healer Lowe does not know what else to do now and can only ask for that ‘quack’ for help!

It seems like that young doctor is indeed very capable.

Surely, whatever he said about parasites in wild cordyceps was true too!

All the hair on their arms stood on their ends as they realized the severity of the situation and the strange accuracy of Zeke’s words.

Shannon bellowed, “What are you all waiting for? Get him in here!”

The Han family members finally recollected their senses and quickly dispersed to look for the man.

At this moment, Zeke and Jeffrey were relaxing in one of the Han family’s pavilions.

As for tea...There was no way the Han family served them any drinks.

Jeffrey offered Zeke a sincere apology. “Mr. Williams, I’m really sorry about this. Shannon has always been spoilt and does whatever she wants. That’s why she had no qualms humiliating you earlier. Please don’t be angry with her.”

Zeke nodded and replied, “Oh? It sounds like you have been bullied by her too. Don’t worry. I will make sure to get back at her on your behalf later.”

Jeffrey let out a laugh.

Come on, you were scolded so badly by her just now.

At that moment, the Han family found them and yelled, “Divine Doctor Williams! It’s an emergency! Please! Save him!”

Almost immediately, Jeffrey jumped up and asked worriedly, “What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

The Han family informed him in unison, “The divine doctor was right. Your teacher’s life is hanging by a thread!”

Needless to say, Jeffrey panicked and quickly said to Zeke, “Dr. Williams, please. It’s all water under the bridge. I hope you can help my teacher.”

Unfazed, Zeke threw a side glance at the Han family and remarked, “Oh? Hans The Fool isn’t here? I

said she must personally ask me to help.”

Hans The Fool?

Shannon Hans?

It was the name that Zeke had given her earlier.

The Han family was under immense pressure now, and they pleaded frantically, “Mr. Williams, please, I beg you to help us! As for Shannon, we will make sure she apologizes to you later.”

Jeffrey also joined in, “Mr. Williams, please! A man’s life is at stake here! I hope you can let go of what happened. Don’t worry, I will make sure Shannon kneels and apologizes to you later!”

Finally, Zeke gave in and sighed. “Fine, I will do it because of you.”

All of them returned to the room.

Zeke glanced at the patient and furrowed his eyebrows. He looks worse than I thought he would be.

Master Healer Lowe immediately humbled himself and said to him, “Young man, my apologies for my attitude earlier. I know I can never express how sorry I am with words. But this patient here is innocent. I hope you will still save him; despite the mistakes I’ve made in the past.”

Seeing this, Shannon quickly stood up and made way for Zeke as well.

“Please, please save my father!” She begged.

In large strides, Zeke approached the patient and observed his pupils. “It is dilating by quite a bit, and I can see a black object wriggling underneath. The parasite is going to expel itself through the eyes. Make way and make sure the room is ventilated.”

Everyone quickly dispersed and opened up the windows in the room.

Meanwhile, Zeke fished out the sulfur he carried with him and placed it on the patient’s eyes.

After which, he examined the spots where the patient had lost blood from earlier.

There were a few other blisters that appeared once more, and they looked like they were going to burst anytime.

Zeke quickly shouted for Shannon, “Hans The Fool, get in here!”


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