Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 648

Chapter 648

Chapter 648

“Well, it’s time that the presider is coming. Can someone get Dawn down here?” Sam looked at his watch and exclaimed.

“May I know who the presider is?” Yung Castenada asked.

“Douglas Timms!”

“What?” Yung Castenada and Monica exclaimed. They could not believe their ears. “You mean Mr. Douglas Timms, the minister of City Armed Forces?”

“Yes. That’s him!” Sam nodded.

Yung Castenada and Monica grew excited. “Mr. Clemons, you’re really something. Even Mr. Timms is here. Well, we’re so honored that he’s the presider!”

“Hurry, ask Dawnie to come down now!”

Soon, two bodyguards brought Dawn to the living hall.

At that moment, Zeke walked through the door. He did not recognize Dawn at first sight.

Instead, he pitied the girl. Her hair was disheveled, and a small piece of her scalp had been scratched off. Her head was covered with blood.

How can they torture their maid like this? Zeke thought to himself.

He had mistaken Dawn as one of the Castaneda’s servants!

“Why is she not dressed up? Where’s her wedding gown? How can we get married when she’s a mess like this?” Sam looked displeased.

The bodyguards shrugged and replied, “Sir, she doesn’t let us dress her up! We had no choice!”

“B****! I told you to behave. What have you done? Do you have a death wish?” Monica chastised her in front of everybody.

Dawn gritted her teeth and said, “ I’ve told you...I’m not marrying this ba****d even if you beat me to death! My brother-in-law is going to take revenge for me. Just wait and see.”

“Damn it! Even if Zeke is coming, I can kill him easily.”

Suddenly, Zeke heard Dawn’s voice. He was shocked and felt as if a knife was piercing his heart.

He stared at the girl whose hair was disheveled.

That’s Dawnie? The smart and pretty little girl is being tortured like this? Damn! Castanedas, you’re all dead meat!

He clenched his teeth and strode into the hall, throwing blows to the bodyguards who were beside Dawnie.

He then squatted down and tried to help her up.

However, Dawn resisted, “Don’t...don’t touch me...”

It was not until then that Zeke noticed the fingerprints marks on both sides of her face.

Even the blood from the corner of her mouth had dried up.

Zeke felt sorry for her. How could they do this to her?

The Great Marshal, who was as hard as flint, was suddenly choked with sobs, “Dawnie, it’s me. I’m here to save you.”

Dawn was shaking like a leaf when she looked up at him.

As soon as she noted that it was Zeke, she lost control of her emotions and burst into tears.

“Zeke, you’re here? Bwah! Aha! Ha! You’re finally here. I miss you...”

She hugged him and cried hysterically.

“Who are you? Who let you in?” Yung Castenada asked angrily. “Get out! Otherwise, my bodyguards will throw you out!”

Zeke glared at him viciously and ignored him. He held Dawn in his arms and put her on the sofa.

Dawn was clinging to him tightly. She was scared he would leave her again.

Zeke took a deep breath and commanded a servant next to him, “Bring me the first-aid kit!”

The maid looked displeased, “Who are you? Who do you think you are to give me orders?”

But before she could finish her words, Zeke choked her and tossed her.

The servant’s head broke through the ceiling and was stuck there. Her body was swaying. No one could tell whether she was alive or not.


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