Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 735

Chapter 735

Chapter 735

“Mr. Zachary, give me a second. I want to hear about what happened.”

Caleb hung up.

Not long after, he called once more and said apologetically, “Mr. Zachary, I am so sorry. I’ve just understood the gist of what went on. The smuggling ring had signed a treaty of sorts with Paul long ago. It dictated for part of the smuggling ring’s finances to be redirected to Paul. The account we used was among the few that were under Paul, which is why this happened. This was way out of our control, and it doesn’t have a direct relation to Chase Bank, but I still have to apologize.”

Gavin replied coldly, “Stop spouting that useless nonsense. Tell me what you have in mind now.”

Caleb replied, “Mr. Zachary, are you still looking to make Linton Group go bankrupt? That would be no problem at all.”

Gavin scoffed. “That man is arrogantly obstinate. I’m just worried that we won’t have a chance to get back at him. If I can’t get back at him, I’ll get rid of him. If his finances aren’t destroyed, then I want his family and everything he loves to be burnt to the ground.”

Caleb nodded. “Understood. However, about the cost...”

Gavin rolled his eyes. “Name your price. Quit beating around the bush.”

“Four billion,” Caleb answered.

Gavin suddenly fell silent.

He had the money, but he had just invested 1.5 billion. Asking for another 4 billion from him didn’t feel necessarily great.

His money didn’t grow from trees, after all.

Caleb started convincing him, “Isn’t four billion a good price in exchange for Zeke Williams and his family’s lives?”

Gavin gritted his teeth and hardened his heart. “Okay. Four billion it is. I’ll send the money over as soon as possible. This time, there’s no space for failure. Either you succeed, or you die.”

Caleb replied with ease, “Relax.”

After hanging up on the call, he patted the behind of the woman he’d practically wrung dry. “Get up. It’s time to go back to work.”

Back in the Linton Group, Zeke was listening to Lone Wolf’s report in the bathroom.

“Zeke, we’ve found Chase Bank trying to get Linton Group in trouble through the smuggling rings. Their headquarters are in Eastend.”

“Chase Bank?” Zeke said suspiciously. “That name sounds kind of familiar... isn’t it run by that guy, Caleb? How dare he set his sights on Linton Group? I’d better knock some sense into him.”

He pocketed his phone and walked out of the bathroom.

He had just stepped out when he bumped into Dawn Castaneda.

Zeke quickly held onto Dawn to stop her from falling over. “What are you running around so urgently for?”

Dawn couldn’t help but reach out and feel Zeke’s pecs for a second. “Zeke, are you sure your chest isn’t filled with springs? They’re bouncier than a mattress.”

Zeke’s expression was darkening quickly. “Are you done feeling me up yet? If you are, answer my question.”

Dawn knocked herself on the head lightly and exclaimed, “We’re in trouble! Someone just transferred another four billion into our accounts. The account seems to have come from a mercenary in Talon Island who named the transfer “Weapon Funding”. If someone catches ahold of this and thinks we’re messing around with military weaponry, we’re all done for.”

Zeke was in deep thought. “It’s weird that Chase Bank is using mercenaries from overseas. What a weird pact. Well, since they’re trying to come for me, they’re in for a rude awakening.”

To Dawn, he said, “Let’s go, Dawnie. I’ll take you to see some good stuff.”

Dawn looked confused. “Good stuff?”

But Zeke simply replied, “You’ll know what I mean in a bit.”

“I need to let my sister know so she can deal with it first though,” Dawn said.

Zeke shook his head. “Don’t tell her anything yet. She’s had enough on her plate as it is. I’ll settle this on the down-low.”


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