Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 738

Chapter 738

Chapter 738

The boss’ expression started to sour. “Since it’s your first time making such a mistake, I’ll let you go. However, everything under you right now will be transferred over to me.”

Caleb exhaled in relief. “Thank you, Sir, for your generosity.”

The boss’ gaze travelled up and down Dawn Castaneda and said, “This girl is quite the beauty. It’d be a shame if we got rid of her. Go and ask if she’d be interested in working with us.”

Caleb looked at Dawn. “Ms. Castaneda, stay behind with us. That’s the only way you’ll get out of this alive.”

They had no faith that Zeke would actually be able to fork over a trillion.

A trillion was enough to fund a small country’s GDP for a whole year.

How could he possibly be that rich?

Dawn had been terrified from the very beginning and hid behind Zeke Williams, not making a peep.

The boss sighed. “Enough. Settle them.”

He then turned to leave.

The bodyguards next to him put a hand on their pistols.

Suddenly, Lily called out, “Wait! Don’t move! Something happened.”

The boss stopped walking. “What happened?”

Lily powered up the computer and started typing as she spoke. “About a thousand billion just got transferred into our account under an unknown name!”

How’s that possible?

The boss and Caleb inhaled in shock and rushed to look at the computer screen.

When they both saw with their own eyes that a thousand billion did just get transferred to them, they were still in shock.

One thousand billion equated to about half of all Chase Bank had.

Did this come from Zeke Williams?

“Hold on!” Lily exclaimed once more. “We just received another hundred billion!”

The boss and Caleb were frozen. They no longer knew where to look.

Lily kept calling out with every new transaction the bank received, “Another thousand billion!”

The third, the fourth, and the fifth transactions continued coming in.

Every single time a transaction came, a thousand billion was transferred.

It only stopped by the tenth transaction.

Every single time a new sum came in, the crowd’s hearts stopped momentarily.

By the time, the tenth transaction was completed, their hearts were about to stop.

One trillion!

It was actually a whole trillion!

That amount was worth about five or six Chase Banks.

It was enough to develop a small country for a whole year!

Zeke Williams had really done it!

Who is this man? How can he have such a huge sum at hand?

Could he be the prince of some country?

This revelation left everyone in shock.

Who had they just messed with?

Zeke smiled. “Come on, show me what you got. Clean up that money for me.”

The crowd was losing it.

What could they possibly clean? Even if they had ten Chase Banks at their disposal, there was no way they could ever launder that amount of money!

At that very moment, a worker ran up to them in a panic. “Sir! We’re in trouble! The transactions that were just made have caught the attention of the International Bank due to the large amount. They’ve begun to investigate this transaction. In less than five minutes, they’ll find out about our bank.”


The crowd instantly paled.

If Chase Bank were exposed, getting their money taken away wasn’t the worst that could happen. They could very well get brought onto the court for breaking international laws.

They would have to die a hundred times over before ever being able to absolve their crimes.

Caleb’s legs went wobbly, and he collapsed on his knees in front of Zeke Williams. “Mr. Williams, I apologize greatly. I apologize for not recognizing you in the first place! I beg you, please, reverse these transactions!”

The boss knelt as well and began begging Zeke, “Mr. Williams, please, I’m willing to do anything for you to reverse those transactions. I’d even be willing to give you this entire bank.”

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