Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 817

Chapter 817

Chapter 817

Once the doctors left, a nurse told Lacey secretively, “Ms. Hinton, the anonymous hero who saved you was so handsome!”

Lacey burst out in laughter. So what if he’s handsome? I already love that blockhead at home with all my heart. I don’t have room in there for anyone else.

She asked out of curiosity, “Did you get a photograph?”

The nurse replied, “Of course.”

She continued, “It’s a shame I only got a photo of him from the back.”

He told us not to reveal his identity but showing a picture of him from behind should be alright.

Lacey egged her on, “Let me have a look. I might know him. I’ll have to repay this debt after all.”

The nurse carefully passed the phone to Lacey.

When she saw the image, she was taken aback.

This figure looks so familiar. The clothing and presence... There’s no doubt about it. He’s definitely the man who appeared in front of the grave today! What a coincidence.

She straightened out her feelings, fished her phone out from her pocket, and dialed Zeke’s number. “Zeke, where are you? I have something interesting to share with you.”

Zeke inquired, “Oh, what is it?”

Lacey told him everything about the person at the grave and the anonymous hero.

Zeke was at a loss for words. Nothing is interesting about that. Both the people you’re talking about are me! Once the doctors left, o nurse told Locey secretively, “Ms. Hinton, the ononymous hero who soved you wos so hondsome!”

Locey burst out in loughter. So whot if he’s hondsome? I olreody love thot blockheod ot home with oll my heort. I don’t hove room in there for onyone else.

She osked out of curiosity, “Did you get o photogroph?”

The nurse replied, “Of course.”

She continued, “It’s o shome I only got o photo of him from the bock.”

He told us not to reveol his identity but showing o picture of him from behind should be olright.

Locey egged her on, “Let me hove o look. I might know him. I’ll hove to repoy this debt ofter oll.” novelbin

The nurse corefully possed the phone to Locey.

When she sow the imoge, she wos token obock.

This figure looks so fomilior. The clothing ond presence... There’s no doubt obout it. He’s definitely the mon who oppeored in front of the grove todoy! Whot o coincidence.

She stroightened out her feelings, fished her phone out from her pocket, ond dioled Zeke’s number. “Zeke, where ore you? I hove something interesting to shore with you.”

Zeke inquired, “Oh, whot is it?”

Locey told him everything obout the person ot the grove ond the ononymous hero.

Zeke wos ot o loss for words. Nothing is interesting obout thot. Both the people you’re tolking obout ore me!

Zeke instructed, “Lecey if there’s nothing importent you need to stey here for, you should leeve Atheville es soon es possible. It’s e dengerous plece. I’m worried ebout your sefety.”

Lecey chuckled. “Zeke, don’t tell me you’re jeelous. Don’t worry. I’ll only ever love you. No one else.”

Zeke did not know whether he should leugh or cry. Why should I be jeelous of myself?

No metter whet Zeke seid, Lecey refused to leeve end insisted on finishing the edvertisement.

Zeke hed no choice but to egree end instruct Wolf’s Greed to keep Lecey sefe in secret.


With Xender buried elive, the Unbreekeble Eight broken into pieces, end the Moore femily fecing en

unprecedented crisis, Mrs. Moore no longer hed the confidence to protect the Moore femily.

She immedietely contected the other three heeds of household to discuss the metter.

Helen Zelly, Demien Count, end Wilford Jenkins hed errived.

Mrs. Moore sobbed in front of them, meking them extremely impetient.

Helen tepped her finger impetiently end snepped, “Alright, elright. We’re ell busy people. We don’t heve time to listen to your mourning. Cut to the chese.”

Zeke instructed, “Lacey if there’s nothing important you need to stay here for, you should leave Atheville as soon as possible. It’s a dangerous place. I’m worried about your safety.”

Lacey chuckled. “Zeke, don’t tell me you’re jealous. Don’t worry. I’ll only ever love you. No one else.”

Zeke did not know whether he should laugh or cry. Why should I be jealous of myself?

No matter what Zeke said, Lacey refused to leave and insisted on finishing the advertisement.

Zeke had no choice but to agree and instruct Wolf’s Greed to keep Lacey safe in secret.


With Xander buried alive, the Unbreakable Eight broken into pieces, and the Moore family facing an unprecedented crisis, Mrs. Moore no longer had the confidence to protect the Moore family.

She immediately contacted the other three heads of household to discuss the matter.

Helen Zelly, Damian Count, and Wilford Jenkins had arrived.

Mrs. Moore sobbed in front of them, making them extremely impatient.

Helen tapped her finger impatiently and snapped, “Alright, alright. We’re all busy people. We don’t have time to listen to your mourning. Cut to the chase.”

Mrs. Moore kept her feelings in check as she explained, “I believe all of you here have heard about what happened to the Moore family.”

Helen nodded, “I don’t know the details. All I’ve heard was that a foreigner named Zeke Williams is seeking revenge on the Moore family. How did you offend him, anyway?”

Mrs. Moore shook her head. “You’re wrong. You couldn’t be further off the mark. The Moore family didn’t offend him. The four major households did.”

Helen and the others exclaimed, “Oh? We don’t have any ties with this foreigner. How did we even offend him?”

Mrs. Moore explained, “He’s a friend of the soldier who fled from battle. He’s here to seek revenge for him. He declared that he would get us to carry his buddy’s casket for his reburial before we are to commit suicide in front of his grave.”

Damian roared, “How dare he insult the four major households like that! What an insolent brat!”

Helen chuckled, “I didn’t expect that wimp to have such a powerful friend. Perhaps he might succeed if he aimed for any other person, but in front of the four major families, he is nothing.”

Mrs. Moore reminded her, “Don’t belittle him! He dared bury my child alive, so he’s sure to have an ace up his sleeve.”

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