Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 829

Chapter 829

Chapter 829

He hurriedly kowtowed and begged for mercy. “General, I... I didn’t.”

His voice shook as he spoke, “Don’t listen to him. He’s talking nonsense.”

“I’m not. You were the one who said I raised dogs in the military,” Zeke countered.

Joseph racked his brains for a reply. “Yes, I did say that, but this has nothing to do with the general!”

“F***! We are the ones the Great Marshal raises in the military. And we are wolves!” Wolf’s Greed spat at him.

“If you said he raises dogs, aren’t you insinuating we’re dogs?”

Joseph was bewildered. “General Wolf’s Greed, I... I don’t understand what you mean.”

Then, he went on to explain, “I was referring to Zeke Williams, not the Great Marshal.”

Wolf’s Greed growled, “Insolent fool! Zeke Williams is the Great Marshal!”


Joseph’s whole body shuddered, and he wet his pants right then and there. Consequently, the smell of urine permeated the air.

Zeke Williams...

Is the Great Marshal!

The Great Marshal turns out to be Zeke Williams!

What the hell? How could the Great Marshal be this low-profile?

Provoking the Great Marshal was equivalent to provoking God Himself!

It was over. We’re all doomed!

Joseph struggled to draw air into his lungs due to the pure terror gripping his heart. His eyes rolled back, and he lost consciousness.

Zeke could barely stifle his laughter. “A coward like him thought he could go up against me? How embarrassing.”

The Walters were all frozen in their spots.

Never in a million years had they expected that an insignificant family like theirs would get the attention of a god-like figure such as the Great Marshal.

Whether they lived or died all depended on Zeke now.

Zeke sent Peter a cursory glance and questioned, “What’s Joseph Zelly’s background story? Does he have anything to do with Helen Zelly from Atheville?”

“Joseph is from the Zelly family in Atheville. Helen Zelly is his biological sister,” Peter quickly answered.

Zeke wore an indifferent look as he spoke, “Helen Zelly might have been the cause of my buddy’s death.”

“Not only did you fail to avenge one of your own, but you also even fraternized with the enemy’s brother. The most ridiculous part is you allying with his family through marriage!”

Peter and his family blanched in horror, slapping themselves again as they begged for Zeke’s forgiveness.

“We deserve to die. We were ignorant fools. We... We are even worse than animals...”

Zeke glared at Joseph again and stated, “Since he’s the enemy, bury him alive.”

“Wait, wait, wait!”

Joseph, who had passed out just a while ago, abruptly regained consciousness and shouted, “Don’t kill me! Please, let me make amends!”

He calmed his breathing and explained, “I have some top-secret information that would benefit you.”

Joseph had actually pretended to pass out earlier.

He hadn’t seen any other option besides that because he didn’t know how to face the Great Marshal’s


“Speak,” Zeke uttered.

Joseph stammered, “If... If I tell you, will you spare me?”

Joseph stammered, “If... If I tell you, will you spare me?”

Zeke curled his lips in disdain. “Do you think you’re in any position to negotiate with me now?”

He seemed to tower over Joseph when he spoke, “But, if your information is useful, I might grant you a painless death.”

Joseph spiraled into despair.

Yes. I’m indeed in no position to negotiate with the Great Marshal.

Left without a choice, he spoke in a shaky voice, “Do you still remember the day Frederick returned? He was covered with injuries, and his life had hung by a thread.”

Sage nodded solemnly. “I will never forget that day. If not for my brother’s strong physical fitness, perhaps... he wouldn’t have been able to return home.”

Joseph continued, “When Frederick first returned to Atheville, his injuries weren’t severe... They were all just external wounds. But as soon as he arrived at Atheville, he met his former enemy, Patrick Count.”

“It was Patrick Count who led a team to attack Frederick and leave him on the brink of death. Patrick Count had wanted Frederick’s life, but he managed to escape,” He added.

Zeke and Wolf’s Greed’s eyes grew cold.

Frederick was a skilled and powerful fighter. He must have suffered a fatal wound. Otherwise, he could not have died at the hands of Helen Zelly, who was only an ordinary woman.

It turned out that this guy, Patrick Count, was also one of the culprits!

“Who is Patrick Count?” Zeke questioned with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

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