Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 866

Chapter 866

Chapter 866

Wolf’s Greed asked, “Shall I just blast the Earth Emperor’s Mountains?”

“There’s no need for that. We will just enter the village surreptitiously, without the need for guns.”

Wolf’s Greed fell silent.

Williams was becoming increasingly down to earth.

Soon, they arrived at the spot where Xander was buried alive.

Sole Wolf, who was supposed to be guarding the grave, was snoring thunderously atop the coffin.

Zeke kicked a pebble which landed squarely on Sole Wolf’s head.

He immediately bounced up and picked up the coffin board before waving it wildly, “F***, I’ve been waiting for you for so long! I’m simply itching to take action!”

Wolf’s Greed sighed, “Old habits die hard.”

Upon realizing that it was Zeke, Sole Wolf immediately chuckled in embarrassment. “Bro, you are both finally here. I was about to be bored to death. No one has tried to fight me for three days.”

Zeke reminded him, “All right. Remember, there will be people here to abduct us later. Don’t fight too hard, and simply allow them to abduct us.”

Sole Wolf questioned, “What? Why? I refuse to.”

Zeke replied, “Didn’t you want to fight? Let’s do it at Earth Emperor’s Mountains.”

“There are mountain robbers there right? Haha, all right, deal!” Sole Wolf agreed.

The three of them settled down on the floor, and Wolf’s Greed brought out some alcohol for them to pass the time.

Nearby, dozens of shadowed figures crept up towards them.

They were the mountain robbers from Earth Emperor’s Mountains.

The leaders were the master’s secret killing machines, Wallace and Markson.

They could smell the stench of dead bodies from a distance away.

It was from the bodies of Xander, and Old Master Moore.

Wallace swore, “What the f***? How can these people drink right beside the dead bodies?”

Markson replied, “They seem to be a ferocious bunch. We have to be careful later, aborting the mission if things don’t work out later.”

“Understood.” assured Wallace.

They surrounded Zeke in the dark before Wallace jumped out roaring, “Which one of you is Zeke

Williams? Our master would like to invite you over, for a visit.”

The three of them were overjoyed. They’re finally here.

Zeke stood up with a somber expression on his face. “Who are you?”

Wallace replied, “We are from the Earth Emperor’s Mountains. Cooperate with us in order to avoid any physical suffering.”

Zeke mocked, “Dream on.”

Wallace’s patience was wearing thin. “Boys, go on!”

A group of men immediately dashed towards Zeke, surrounding him.

Zeke and the two other men returned the punches, and soon, both sides were engaged in a fight.

However, they had to concede, in the end, as they were still caught by the other group.

Nearby, dozens of shadowed figures crept up towards them.

Wallace laughed aloud, “Pfft, that’s all the power you have? I had barely channeled out seventy percent of what I can do.”

Wallace laughed aloud, “Pfft, that’s all the power you have? I had barely channeled out seventy percent of what I can do.”

Markson did not know whether to laugh or cry either. “If I’d used up my power, I’d definitely be able to beat up all three of them.”

Wallace muttered, “What Four Divinities or Unbreakable Eight? They are all useless! Come on, let’s go and bring them back.”

The news of Zeke and the group being caught quickly found its way to Helen and Mrs. Moore.

Henry and Damian were still searching for foreign aid and had yet to hear of this piece of good news.

Helen and Mrs. Moore were deliriously happy.

The mountain robbers of the Earth Emperor’s Mountains have truly lived up to their name! They had settled their major headache easily.

It’s evident... The reason why they have been considered one of the strongest forces in Atheville, for over a hundred years!

Through her agitated tears, Mrs. Moore cried out, “My husband and Xander can finally rest in peace. Since my son likes Mia, I want to bury her alive, so that she can wait on Xander at the other side. Also, Mia’s servant girl was supposed to be my husband’s concubine, only to be taken away by Zeke Williams back then. This time, I am burying her alive as well. Oh yes, and that Sage Walters. She’d better go along, becoming a servant, for both my husband and Xander.”

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