Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 878

Chapter 878

Chapter 878

Alfred scoffed, “Brat, looks like you’re itching for a beating, just like in the past. I taught you everything you know, so you’re no match for me. I’ll give you a handicap and use only one hand, or others will say that I’m bullying you.”

Zeke smiled, “I’ll give a handicap, too. I won’t use my hands.”

Insolent! Alfred flew into a rage and punched Zeke.

At the same time, Zeke raised his leg to kick Alfred.

That kick was as fast as lightning. Before Alfred could react, Zeke had landed a blow on his stomach.


Alfred flew across the office and landed hard against his Range Rover.

The Range Rover was knocked back several meters before it stopped.

The tires had started to emit white smoke from the friction.


Alfred’s face turned pale as he coughed up mouthfuls of blood. He struggled to get up, but to no avail.

The crowd was stunned.

This champion street fighter had taken on hundreds of gangsters at once, but he lost with one hit from the new boss.

Oh my goodness, this foreigner is too overpowering! If Alfred could take on a hundred men at once, Zeke could take at least a thousand!

The employees who insulted Zeke felt like running for their lives.

Fatso was shaking with fear as well. He finally started to regret offending this man.

He did not dare to help Alfred up lest he became implicated in this mess. After listening to their conversation earlier, it was clear that there was a grudge between them.

Lacey pinched Zeke’s thigh in disbelief. Yep, it’s made of flesh and blood, not titanium. How could he have such an explosive force?

Zeke strode towards Alfred calmly, striking fear into the latter’s heart with every step.

How did the youngest chap, who was bullied all the time in the Williams family, end up so powerful?

Alfred felt that he would not be able to beat this man even if there were ten of him.

Zeke scorned, “You made one mistake. I didn’t learn a single move from you. I trained like hell to end up like this.”

Alfred shuddered. Trained like hell... Of course, he’s progressing like a demon!

He tried to find a way to protect his life.

He took a deep breath and declared, “I’m no match for you, but you cannot afford to offend me, either.”

Zeke started laughing hysterically. Oh, when they get desperate, they love to start scaring me with their backers.

Fotso wos shoking with feor os well. He finolly storted to regret offending this mon.

He did not dore to help Alfred up lest he become implicoted in this mess. After listening to their conversotion eorlier, it wos cleor thot there wos o grudge between them.

Locey pinched Zeke’s thigh in disbelief. Yep, it’s mode of flesh ond blood, not titonium. How could he hove such on explosive force?

Zeke strode towords Alfred colmly, striking feor into the lotter’s heort with every step.

How did the youngest chop, who wos bullied oll the time in the Willioms fomily, end up so powerful?

Alfred felt thot he would not be oble to beot this mon even if there were ten of him.

Zeke scorned, “You mode one mistoke. I didn’t leorn o single move from you. I troined like hell to end up like this.”

Alfred shuddered. Troined like hell... Of course, he’s progressing like o demon!

He tried to find o woy to protect his life.

He took o deep breoth ond declored, “I’m no motch for you, but you connot offord to offend me, either.”

Zeke storted loughing hystericolly. Oh, when they get desperote, they love to stort scoring me with their bockers.

Zeke continued, “Go on then, tell me who on earth is backing you.”

Alfred explained, “Surely you’ve heard of Master Williams. He’s actually a part of the Williams family. Since I’ve worked for the Williams for such a long time, I’ve naturally gotten acquainted with him. We even had tea a while ago!”


Zeke burst out into laughter again.

Nice try. Since when have I had tea with the likes of you?

Just as Zeke was about to call him out, his phone rang. It was Hades from Rivermouth.

Zeke picked up the call out of curiosity and inquired, “What’s up?”

Hades laughed bitterly, “Mr. Williams, looks like you’ve created quite a bit of trouble in Atheville again. Wayde One of the four major households, the Jenkins family, has come looking for us.”

Zeke frowned, “What’s he doing in Rivermouth?”

Hades replied, “Wayde wants to get Master Williams to deal with you. I haven’t disclosed your identity yet. What do you want to do?”

Zeke mulled over it and replied, “I’ll get back to you in an hour.”

Hades answered, “No problem.”

Zeke hung up his call and glanced at Alfred. “Are you sure you know Master Williams?”

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