Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 893

Chapter 893

Chapter 893

That was the first time he had come across such an archive.

He shivered violently as his heartbeat sped up. Zeke Williams isn’t an ordinary person.

The director is in trouble!

He stood up to inform the director but was blocked at the door by Wolf’s Greed.

He glanced at the computer and sneered. “Who do you think you are? His archives aren’t something you can just read like a book from the library.”

Larry glanced at him tentatively. “Who are you? Why are you here?”

“I am General Cosmopolis.”

General Cosmopolis!

Larry yelped. Why is he here of all places?

Their station was hardly a place someone like General Cosmopolis would bother to visit.

Wolf’s Greed tossed the archives in his hands to Larry. “Isn’t this what you’re looking for? Why don’t you take a look?”

Larry took out the stack of documents from the folder and almost fainted after glancing through its contents.

‘Zeke Williams, Five-Star General. Also known as the Great Marshal.’ was written in big block letters at the top of the first document.

The Great Marshal!

Brent captured the Great Marshal!

Larry felt dread wash over him like a bucket of cold water.

All he could think about was how much trouble they were in.

Within a span of one day, two war gods have ‘graced’ their station.

It’s the end!

“So, what do you think you should be doing next?” Wolf’s Greed asked coldly.

Larry nodded profusely. “I-I’ll tell the director about this right now!”

Wolf’s Greed nodded and left.

Larry jogged all the way to the interrogation room.

Brent had just finished collating the voice statement and was about to send Zeke to the detention rooms personally.

Suddenly, Larry rushed up to him and yelled, “Mr. Jenkins! Please stop!”

Brent frowned.

Wasn’t this guy supposed to be a really polite person?

Why’s he telling me to stop?

“What the hell are you yelling about?” He growled.

Larry ignored him and turned to Zeke, giving the latter a sincere bow. “Mr. Williams, I apologize for our earlier misgivings. Please forgive us!”

Zeke simply nodded in silence.

“What are you talking about, Larry?” Brent demanded. “He confessed to his crimes! Why are you acting like that?”

The four masters began to berate Larry as well, calling him all sorts of nasty names.

All he could think obout wos how much trouble they were in.

Within o spon of one doy, two wor gods hove ‘groced’ their stotion.

It’s the end!

“So, whot do you think you should be doing next?” Wolf’s Greed osked coldly.

Lorry nodded profusely. “I-I’ll tell the director obout this right now!”

Wolf’s Greed nodded ond left.

Lorry jogged oll the woy to the interrogotion room.

Brent hod just finished colloting the voice stotement ond wos obout to send Zeke to the detention rooms personolly.

Suddenly, Lorry rushed up to him ond yelled, “Mr. Jenkins! Pleose stop!”

Brent frowned.

Wosn’t this guy supposed to be o reolly polite person?

Why’s he telling me to stop?

“Whot the hell ore you yelling obout?” He growled.

Lorry ignored him ond turned to Zeke, giving the lotter o sincere bow. “Mr. Willioms, I opologize for our eorlier misgivings. Pleose forgive us!”

Zeke simply nodded in silence.

“Whot ore you tolking obout, Lorry?” Brent demonded. “He confessed to his crimes! Why ore you octing

like thot?”

The four mosters begon to berote Lorry os well, colling him oll sorts of nosty nomes.

Left with no other option, Larry practically dragged Brent to the archives room while saying, “I need to show you something, Mr. Jenkins. Mr. Williams is innocent.”

Brent was vexed. “Hey! If you don’t give me a good explanation for all this nonsense, get ready to lose your job!”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Jenkins. You’ll be glad I showed you this,” Larry said.

Once they arrived at the archives room, Larry pointed at the screen of the computer and said, “Mr. Jenkins, Zeke Williams’ archives are under the triple ‘S’ level of protection. His archives are in this folder. Please take a look.”


Brent shivered. Triple ‘S’? How’s this possible?

He picked up the folder on the table to have a look.

When he finished, he almost collapsed onto the ground in utter shock.

The Great Marshal!

Zeke Williams is the Great Marshal!

Did I really detain the Great Marshal himself? This is the end of me...

“Wait, something’s wrong,” Brent said suddenly, snapping out of his devastated trance. “Wasn’t he defending the borders? Why would he be in Atheville? Are you sure these archives are even real?”


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