Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 906

Chapter 906

Chapter 906

However, this wasn’t the worst sight.

What was even more frightening was that Frederick’s casket had been dug out and draped with a flag.

About ten thousand soldiers surrounded the grave, covering a distance of over a ten square kilometer. It was a magnificent sight.

The three other major household leaders were already there, kneeling before Frederick’s grave in utmost fear and regret.

W-What’s going on?

Frederick certainly used to be a soldier, but why would there be a need to drape a flag over his coffin or have over ten thousand men send him off?

Wait. The captain who captured us said we murdered a general.

Frederick was a general!?

The Zelly family broke down.

“We’ve been waiting for you.”

A cold voice rang out from behind the Zelly family, causing them to shudder.

They turned around and saw Zeke striding over to them.

The man’s face looked vicious and horrifying under the moonlight.

“You planned all this?” Helen asked as she was terrified.

Zeke smiled. “Is it to your liking?”

“Who... Who on earth are you? H-How are you able to mobilize over ten thousand soldiers and carry out a state funeral for Frederick?”

At that very moment, Wolf’s Greed walked up to Zeke. “Everything’s ready, Great Marshal. Shall we start the ceremony?”

Zeke nodded. “Yeah.”


A chill ran down Helen’s spine.

Great Marshal!?

This man here is the God of War—the almighty Great Marshal?

Oh God... Why? How could we have messed with the Great Marshal?

This is even worse than provoking Hades.

That piece of trash, Frederick, was a soldier of the Great Marshal!?

Helen was filled with terror, regret and turmoil.

Why did I betray Frederick?

Had I married him instead, I would’ve become more than just a part of the ‘four major households’.

I have been an idiot!

I’m such an idiot!

Helen began to weep like a crazy woman.

“Shut up!” Zeke roared. “You’re bothering Frederick.”

Helen immediately fell silent as she dared not defy Zeke’s order.

“Go carry the coffin.”

Helen walked toward the coffin in a daze.

Zeke stood in front of Frederick’s grave, took out a bottle of Alpha wine and poured it next to the casket.

“We’re moving, my friend,” said Zeke, his eyes reddening. “I’ve found you a better place this time. You can rest in peace now.”

Then, he shouted, “Lift the coffin!”

“For the general!” the soldiers roared.

With that, Helen, Damian, Henry, and Mrs. Moore carried Frederick’s casket with much difficulty.

It was very heavy, but not as heavy as their hearts.

If they guessed it right, sending Frederick off meant their time had come to an end too.

After about an hour, they finally arrived at the Imperial Cemetery.

The four major household leaders were completely exhausted.

Zeke lit a candle. “Farewell, my friend. I’ll make sure these sinners join you. Helen Zelly isn’t worthy of you, so she can be your slave. The other three can be your pets.”

Then, Zeke turned to the four leaders.

The four of them burst into sobs, no longer possessing any dignity they once had as clan leaders.

“Kill yourselves and join my friend, or I’ll wipe out your entire clan and not leave a single member behind.”

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