Lord Shadow

Chapter 1017

Chapter 1017: Fusing

A grand road appeared and the sound of hymn could be heard rising and falling before the sound dissipating again.

This time he also notices that not only his Ring of Grand Formation lighting up. The other nine rings also light up, bright as the sun.

‘Heh’ he smirks. There is confidence in his eyes

Before he distances himself from the gate.

That was out of fear and uncertainty. josei

But after having the legacy of Etherna bestowed on him, he knows that the only way forward is to accept destiny

He did not know what he would found at the end of the trail. But fearing it would not get him anywhere.

There might be opportunity. And there might be danger. All in all, a normal day in his life.

He grins and took another step. It is a way of him trying to summon his courage.

The entire trail seems to vibrate. Like there is a resonance between him and the trail, a sound of hymn could be heard for a moment.

The white space around him morphed again as an entire Universe suddenly fills the white space, like a Big Bang exploded and entire cosmic system was formed

Standing on the trail and taking step after step, it was like he is now across some galaxy. There are stars, planets, seas of cosmic colors and it look like the space of the Universe

But Azief could immediately find something very strange. All the planet was barren but one. A blue planet.

Other than that, everything looks lifeless.

‘Ah’ Azief seem to have understood what he is looking at right now.

It is the Primordial Universe before it splits into multiverses. Before Sithulran trying to see the beginning of time and created a time event that causes multiverses to be created.

The scenery is mystical and tantalizing.

Behind him is the large gate that is ever expanding. In front of him was the colorful and beautiful space of the Primordial Universe.

Stars shines with such brightness and life that Azief could not help but feel at awe.

In the darkness of space, there is lights that guided his way and that is the trail underneath his feet.

It was like a road. A road of stars.

He walks only on the nodes of these star. Each time he takes a step, time seems to accelerate by eons, changing the positioning of stars but yet the blue planet remains the same.

His experience with the gate this time differs greatly than the last time he was around this gate. The last time, he didn’t even enter.

He could not enter at that time. Or to be more accurate, he did not want to enter.

At that time, the gate was pressuring him to enter. Forcing him even. The feeling was that he felt the gate is everywhere around him

Even though he distances himself from the gate, and move further away, it felt like he was running in circle.

That is his feeling the last time. This time however, he felt like he had control of the Gate. This feeling is subtle but he felt it.

He looks at his ring and he seem to be thinking of something

His ring is still shining bright and seems to illuminate the dark space of this Primordial Universe. He looks up and he saw stars. He looks to his side and he saw cosmic storms and beautiful colorful planet

He did not even have to use his Divine Sense. For some reason he could see it all without the aid of his Divine Sense in this space.

Azief saw how small the planet is compared to him. It only took him a second to realize that it is not that the planet is small, it is he that is titanic in size.

This projection is not real.

But it is educational for him. Even as he is thinking of all of this, he did not halt his step, taking one step at a time, walking on the road of stars

As he walks further and further ahead, he felt the ancient and powerful pressure that is slowly shrouding him.

‘In front of me’ he thought to himself.

His eyes narrowed. He had felt this pressure before in the past.

He clenches his fist.

And like it was responding to his feeling his ring seems to also glow brighter, illuminating all the darkness with beautiful colors that make Azief felt safe and warm.

Then the entire space seems to distort. In that one moment, Azief once again saw that finger. One lone finger appears in the darkness of the space.

The moment it appears stars spirals toward that finger.

Planets and start systems were ripped apart, the power that is coming out that one lone finger exceed any power Azief had seen before in his life.

But unlike before, Azief did not feel any oppression. There is no earth shaking destructive power.

All he could feel was warmth.

And this time, the figure of that finger is clear. And Azief look at it, trying to see if there is a secret about this finger

All around him the entire Universe seems to spiral into the finger like it is some kind of void. Azief then notices something at the end of that finger.

And he widened his eyes because he almost could not believe what he is seeing

What he was seeing is a ring.

There is a ring on that finger.

Could it be? He thought to himself.

Creation and destruction seems to fill the entire universe around him but Azief was not interested.

He is standing on stars, looking at the destruction of the world.

That ring looks like the same ring that he wearing. And then he feels the vibration on his ring and he was startled.

Azief blink and then when he opens his eyes, everything was empty again. He is in a white space that had no borders and no end

A white space that extends to infinity. He was almost panicked for a second before he turned his head back and saw the gate

The moment he saw the gate he felt a little bit at ease. Visions and pieces of memories.

That is what he had seen all the time since he went to this Thought Consciousness domain.

‘That finger…was it trying to tell me something?’ Azief thought to himself. Then he calms himself down.

And then after a while he thought to himself. Is this it to the legacy of the Etherna? Just a bunch of visions?

The moment he thinks of this, he felt wind whooshing around him passing through him and Azief was almost pushed back. it would take an enormous amount of power to move Azief a step back.

Azief then look toward the direction of the wind and to his surprise a vortex of wind is slowly gathering not far away from him.

The vortex is gathering energy. And then the energy condensed into solid form and an explosion of light happens.

The light was so bright that Azief had to close his eyes.

A few second passes and then Azief slowly opens his eyes.

It takes him a few moments to gain his full vision. But when he did gain his full control of his vision, he was shocked to see what is in front of him

Not far away from him where the energy was condensed, there is a diamond shaped blue crystal, floating in the air.

Azief come near that crystal and he touches it. The moment he did all kinds of symbols fills his head

It was too much for him that he had to let it go.

‘This is the legacy’ he thought to himself. Smiling, Azief then grab the crystal and another white light exploded and this time Azief is no longer inside that Thought Consciousness domain.

In the real world, his entire being is glowing blue and it is growing in an unprecedented rate. Azief entire body is also slowly becoming bigger and bigger and the runic tattoos that is usually hidden suddenly appears like some kind of invisible ink made visible.

Powerful fluctuation of energy bursted out from Azief body.

Around his hand, a blue energy appeared out of nothingness and swirls on top of his palm like some kind of high intensity rotating whirlwind.

It then formed into a crystal. Azief notices this as his consciousness has return from that mystical domain. He took that bleu crystal that appears in reality and store it into his own Inner Universe.

At the same time, Azief broke through level 90.

The moment he broke through to level 90; his status window went haywire. If he summons his status window right now it would be like seeing a cracked TV screen

Azief Law Avatar began to fuse with each other as the energy is more than enough

the moment one of them fuse with each other, it creates a powerful explosion that is akin to a supernova explosion.

If Azief had broken through near Earth, the force of such explosion would shatter many parts of the world.

If he had done it before Earth had expanded, there is no doubt that such explosion would turn Earth into ashes and dust particles


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