Lord Shadow

Chapter 1053

Chapter 1053: A brief walk in the nowhere land (2)

Loki look left and right and Trisha looking at him from behind, close her mouth, trying to stifle her laugh

Loki smiles knowing that he managed to make Trisha laugh even without turning his head back.

He knew if he turns his head back, Trisha would pretend she did not laugh

Then he focused back his mind

He is quite amused seeing the changes of the island. But it is nothing that he had not seen before.

The world during the Sovereign era is even bigger. If not how could it contain Gods fighting each other?

Even if the Multiversal Convergence didn’t happen, Earth Prime is destined to change. As long as the All Source is here, it would gather energy and spews out energy

If not how could the people of Earth could rise to the level of Sovereign that fast. Most people on Earth did not know that even to reach the level of Disk Formation in the vast Universe is a hard task

Most people have to train and prepare themselves for hundreds of years for geniuses. And thousands of years for those who did not.

The All Source helps not only in directly helping humans absorb the energy of the world, it is also pure in nature.

Of course, as people walk their path their energy tainted.

That of course do not apply to people like Azief and Katarina since both of them walk the path of Perfection

And as for Sovereign level existence, only the top tier civilizations have such being with that level of power.

The example of such cases is Odin, Zeus, Hades, Jade Emperor to name a few powerful beings in the Universe that possess Sovereign level power.

But, it is also because of the All Source, that there is a need for Earth to possess a Sovereign.

Maybe that is why, the All Source quickly and effectively give power to human to reach a level that would take people millions of years to achieve in only one hundred years

To many other powerhouses in the Omniverse, what they know about the All Source is only on the superficial level.

What they know is that it is called the World Orb or Rejuvenation Essence.

To some worlds who is undergoing the Age of Decadence, where the energy of their world is exhausted, the World Orb, to them is a miraculous ancient artifact that could reverse the fate and destiny of their civilizations and of their world

To many, that is the reason why so many powerful beings fought each other around five thousand years ago, near the Milky Way galaxy.

Some of their fights even spill out to Earth and there are traces of their battle all over Earth, unknown to the researchers on Earth

There is even a spaceship left behind by one of these civilization in the bottom of the ocean. Loki had check it.

But he did not activate it. josei

The people of Earth called it the Baltic Sea anomaly.

Even though it is an ancient technology, this ancient technology comes from one of the most advanced civilization during the Celestial War five thousand years ago.

Actually it is something that Loki had found during his early years as a Disk Formation expert in the original timeline.

This time, he would not make the same mistake he did the last time trying to activate that ship

But even though it is a war that started five thousand years ago, the ship itself seems to come from a more ancient past.

The only way to explain why the carbon dating of that ship seems to be older than five thousand years is probably because the ship were battling some other forces through time and space.

The carbon dating that Loki used is not the same way that humans used the method of carbon dating. Loki uses magic and his calculation of fate and destiny

The best deduction that Loki could make was that the pilot of the spaceship was fighting during five thousand years ago during the Celestial War but then as they fight through Time and Space the ship went back in time, probably multiple times.

The ship itself might have travel through the Mesozoic era and fighting throughout time all over Earth before finally crashed into cold snowy area.

The people of the Earth had seen this spaceship before in some tabloids, famously known as the Baltic Sea anomaly.

But the brightest mind dismisses it as simply a rock formation.

Loki couldn’t blame them

To the minds of a primitive civilization, of course, such advanced technology would go over their heads

Concealing and stealth technology has been activated automatically by the ship when it crashed and burn.

That is not something that could be uncovered by Earth primitive technology

What humans don’t understand, their either fear it, or dismiss it. To the scientist researching the spaceship, they determined it to be a geological formation.

There are distortions of the single sonar image of that spaceship is attributed to cheap inaccurate sonar instrument that was improperly wired and calibrated.

To them, it is nothing but some rocks

The truth is more fantastical.

Loki himself had went to that place and research it.

Since he is determined to not make the same mistake, he had to research it carefully this time.

What he found was that there is a magical energy around the ship. No human before the Fall could have detected it. Since nobody had magic as it was in the past.

There are still witches and warlocks all over the world but what they can do is simply some spells that do not harm those that have great will and tenacity

Either way, it is not an amount of magic enough to be used so freely like it is today

As such, regardless of what the technology use, it would either distort the surveillance technology or appear to be simply something normal

Illusion magic also seems to play a part. Appearing to look and changes the particles around it

Some of the humans even wanted to make it normal attraction.

Even though the shape itself look like Millennium Falcon, that is not the shape of the ship hidden under that rock sediments.

Instead the shape is simply made by some force field to hide the true nature of that spaceship.

The reason why Loki remember that ship so much is because he wanted to use it. He now does not have the resources like before.

Before as the Regent of Pandemonium, he holds controls of a fleet of spaceships. There is around a dozen Battlestar.

Budiman might be quite relaxed in his work but there are many builders that have risen up in level and working five days a week to create more powerful Battlestar.

There is even a Battlestar that could not fight head to head with Disk Formation leveler. Before, any Disk Formation leveler could destroy Battlestar easily.

It is understandable because the rate of technological advancement is not as fast as the development of personal strength.

But as time passes, slowly the technological advancement is catching up.

The World Government is also focusing on researching many new technologies

This is to control the population of godlike people.

Those who have reached Disk Formation could truly be considered godlike.

Of course now that the world expands, and energy is pouring in, with Death Monarch, Hikigaya and Jean breakthrough to Divine Comprehension, the ceiling of power is raised again.

But it did not change the fact that if not for the pressure of the world, once a Disk Formation leveler went out the atmosphere of Earth, their power could explode in great force and their speed would akin of the speed of light

As such, the trend of pursuing technological advance is still continuing especially for the great powers to deter criminals and uncontrollable factors.

Slowly, there would come a day where the levelers could be constrained by a fleet of normal soldiers.

As for Loki, his interest in the spaceship is simply because he knows there is a lot of ancient treasure there that would surely help him increasing more of his trump cards.

It is never bad to have too many trump cards.

As for the matter of the World Orb and the other forces out of this Universe that coveted it, Loki did not need to make too much preparations about it

Some of them did not even know the lore surrounding the World Orb. They did not know how dangerous the World Orb is and how hard it is for these people to use it.

Though, one name does come to mind. Fir Her Waz, Loki thought to himself

As for the other advanced civilization of the Universe, most of them did not know why the war five thousand years ago happened and who stopped it.

Even Loki only learned about it during his time under the tutelage of the real Loki, the Cosmic Trickster.

Instead of a story, he accidentally touches one of the memory servers of his teacher.

It was then he saw one of the memory that is related to the Celestial War


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