Lord Shadow

Chapter 1058

Chapter 1058: The truth of the scheme (1)

Riana look around her and for a moment she was surprised before she finally knows where she is.

Inside the Grain Palace, she could not see the outside. Actually, there is a function to see the outside but she did not have the full control of the Grain Palace.

Not to mention she was unconscious in there. Inside the Grain Palace, there is a large patch of land, floating mountains and waterfall falling from the side of the mountains.

Clouds filling the artificial sky of the Grain Palace like it is a separate world. It was like the entrance to Heavenly Palace josei

Immortal air and chaos energy seems to exist side by side harmoniously

Loki had made many adjustments inside the Grain Palace. She only notices this later when she was conscious again.

Her child seems to be guarded by sentient beast that live inside the Grain Palace. And when she was conscious she finally realizes that there were Nathan also in the Grain Palace

The time in the Grain Palace differs heavily from outside the Grain Palace. Loki did not only change the interior of the Grain Palace; he had also changes the Laws inside the Grain Palace.

To her, she has been spending time inside the Grain Palace for a few hours already. But she still did not feel at ease because she did not know what Loki is planning.

Even when Nathan got up, he also did not exactly understand what Loki was trying to do. But then they were suddenly ejected out from the Grain Palace.

She saw Trisha, her older sister near the door of the office. And she shakes her head, a bitter smile on her face.

Trisha look at the baby and she smiles

She come closer to her second sister and said

‘Let me hold her. Let see my niece’ Seeing how happy Trisha look, it releases a certain heaviness from Riana heart.

Riana smiles and she gave her daughter for Trisha. Trisha put the baby in her arms as she slowly rocks her from side to side

Then Trisha looks at Loki and said

‘I’ll give time for you to explain to them. I will bring her to the nursery. It is better to let her sleep’ Loki once again raised his eyebrows

‘We have a nursery?’

Trisha smiles and nodded.

‘There is many staff. And it is not like we forbid office romance. My lord should really come here more often instead of always coming here when you need something’

Loki just shakes his head as Trisha go out of the room and close the door.

Now inside the room there is only three people

There is Loki. There is Riana. And there is Nathan who is looking at the office with a look of utter amazement

He then looks back at Loki and said

‘I thought that you kill me’

Loki only smiles but he did not explain anything as he clicks his finger and poof two chairs materialized in front of the table on the opposite side from where Loki is standing.

Both of them sit down as they look at Loki who is also slowly sit down at his chair. There is a smile on his face

For a moment, Loki only look at their face and did not say anything. Nathan was uncomfortable with the long silence and the staring but he did show it in his face

Riana on the other hand look down at her chair, not daring to see Loki

And then he said

‘You see, I, Loki, even though I killed quite a lot of people, most of the people I killed are criminal, evil people. There is rarely a time where I kill someone who is innocent, who is unrelated to the business I have. I prefer to find another way. And there is always another way’ he said smiling

Nathan and Riana could only listen as Loki continued

‘I need people to believe that I kill you. That, I, as you so eloquently said, become one of them. A monster. I need the world to believe in it. But- ‘

And Loki look at Riana and sighed

‘But, you are my daughter lover. At least before I knew that you were her husband. My plan was a bit different than what I have executed. I planned for the world to believe that you and Riana both died under my hands. That is the original plan’

Hearing this Riana was shocked.

Loki smiles gently at her and said

‘I wish to use that death so you could free yourself and live freely in this world. I never expected that you have a child. And, if I kill you even as I know that you have a daughter, that is too big of a leap for those crime lords to believe. They might believe that I could kill one innocent man. They might believe that I could kill you both in a bout of anger.’

‘But they would not believe that I would harm a daughter of mine who had a child. It is out of character of me to do such things. Those crime lords also know that I would never do such a thing. Because I have done a lot of business with them’

‘Instead of making them convinced, it might backfire. So, I had to improvise on the spot’

‘If not for that one mistake, both of you could retire freely right now’

Riana finally understand what her father had done. She looks at her father and there is tears on both of her eyes, dropping down

Loki saw it and he shakes his head.

Nathan then frowned as he tried to make sense of it all and then he asks

‘then, why did you look like you were really going to kill me?’ Loki then began explaining to both of them that the Crime Alliance would surely investigate this matter

From what Loki had known about the Crime Alliance, they have someone who could see through the past.

At this, Nathan also remember that there is such a guy among the employs of the Crime Lords.

As such, Loki had to pretend, to make his acting really real, that he truly had the killing intent and desire to destroy the Broker.

But because of the surge of energy, the things they said would be garbled.

That is why Loki keep releasing powerful surge of energy around him

To distort the possible complete investigation

And with a little bit of manipulation of Truth by Loki, the vision that investigator would have would corroborate his story

He needed to threaten and appear to kill Nathan to make sure that the investigators are convinced of the story and for him to finally gain the respect of the Crime Lords

The reason why Loki knows so much about the investigator is because Loki had met him once in his timeline. Of course, this part of the story he did not share with Riana.

Nathan leaned back on his chair and shakes his head while smiling.

He closes his eyes and sigh. But on his face there is a smile. With Loki plans, right now, the whole world had believed that he had died.

It is just a pity that Riana did not die too. If not, both of them could retire from the tumultuous era that is about to come.

This is why when Loki relayed the news to Trisha that Nathan had died, instead of feeling sad, Trisha was feeling happy.

Because she knew that now Nathan is free. But then Nathan have another question

He then sits back straight up, stare at Loki and ask

‘Then, why did you hit me so hard? And making all of that drama like you were really going to kill me? Is it simply because you wanted to make the investigator believe your narrative?’

At this, Loki stares back at Nathan and said

‘You married my daughter without telling me. I think a little bit of punishment was needed, don’t you think?’ He said as he looks at Riana and Riana blushed

He pointed his finger at Riana and wave it up and down at her

‘You……what a headache’ Then Loki laugh.

Loki too leaned on his chair.

It is a pity that he could not make Riana retire with this event but there is still time before the First Sovereign is born.

He needs to prepare for these three sisters.

He had hoped that he could kill Riana and make the world believe she is dead so that when the time comes, she would not get involved in what is about to happen.

But, it has to be change a bit.

This is also because he just had changed to Number Two. Certain memories did not manifest yet and the old memories is just acclimatizing.

As such, his calculation hit some snag.

Nathan is now relaxed a bit.

He did not like that Loki had make him suffer such pain but he could somehow understand.

And only now that he remembers that Loki could be considered his father in law.

Even though Riana is not related at all to Loki, they were many times that Riana said she wish her father could attend her wedding.

It is clear that Riana very much treated Loki as her father.

She wanted his love, his blessing and his approval. Yet at the same time, she also fears that he would be disappointed at her.

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